Poor People’s Campaign and Movement

Happy Juneteenth!

The Poor Peoples and Low-wage Worker's Assembly and Moral March on Washington happened yesterday. Watch the recording HERE.

Click the video to hear George Friday, Move to Amend Founder and Board member describe the connection between corporate power, the need for the We the People Amendment, and her work with the Poor People's Campaign.

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Poor People's Campaign and Move to Amend

Happy Juneteenth!

The Poor Peoples and Low-wage Worker's Assembly and Moral March on Washington happened yesterday. Watch the recording HERE.

Click the video to hear George Friday, Move to Amend Founder and Board member describe the connection between corporate power, the need for the We the People Amendment, and her work with the Poor People's Campaign.

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WATCH: Restoring the Money Power to the People

Did you miss the Restoring the Money Power to the People? Watch the recording here!

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Reflecting on Changes

I have transitioned out of the National Director position at Move to Amend and my long-serving colleagues have stepped forward as co-leaders. It has been an honor and privilege to have co-founded Move to Amend and worked with the organization since its inception in 2009. We have come a long way! There is still much to do – including, and beyond, passing the We the People Amendment. It is crucial that we continue to work in coalition to create an authentically inclusive democracy movement equivalent in scale to the forces that have caused and continue to fuel the enormous crises we face.

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Watch The New Corporation

We are thrilled to let you know that Move to Amend is offering another chance to view The New Corporation! We are accepting donations to watch the film (suggested amount $15), but no one will be turned away for lack of funds!

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Mothers Day

Every day is the right day for honoring and celebrating mothers, as well as the rest of the supportive women in our lives.

That said, Mother’s Day is yet another example of a social movement being co-opted and corporatized in the US.

In fact, Americans will spend upwards of $31.7 billion on Mother’s Day this year, an amount which has gone up nearly every year since 2012.

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The Issue is Democracy

The recent Florida bill signed by Governor Ron DeSantis to revoke the special tax status of Disney Corporation for its leaders speaking out against the new “Don’t Say Gay” law is less about DeSantis or Disney than it is about the decline of our “representative democracy.”

Here are 10 takeaways:

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May Day is a Good Day to Call for Abolishing “Corporate Personhood”

Any day is a good day to work to end corporate constitutional rights (“corporate personhood” for short). 

But May Day - May 1, this Sunday -  is an especially good day!

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12yrs after the BP Deep Water Horizon oil spill. What has changed?

marked the anniversary of the worst man-made catastrophe in U.S. history. 12-years ago the Deep Water Horizon Platform explosion spewed 234 million gallons of oil throughout the Gulf of Mexico over a period of 87 days, killing at least 11 people. Almost 40,000 additional medical claims were filed by coastal residents, first responders, and cleanup workers seeking compensation from BP for health-related problems as a result of the oil spill and chemical cleanup efforts.

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Everything Else is Irrelevant without a Livable World

More than a half-century after the first Earth Day, the environment is near a tipping point of collapse. All of us must be a part of the solution, which includes, in part, abolishing corporate constitutional rights and big money in elections, but must include much more. 

Today is Earth Day -- the 52nd Anniversary of what is considered the birth of the modern environmental movement. 

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