Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap

How I've supported Move to Amend

  • published Volunteer in Get Involved 2023-04-10 11:34:25 -0700

    Become a volunteer

    Thanks for your interest in joining Move to Amend!

    Move to Amend is a national, grassroots coalition comprised of hundreds of thousands of people committed to ending corporate rule and building a vibrant democracy that represents all people, not just corporate interests. Our volunteers work in their local communities to raise awareness about our movement to amend the Constitution, educate candidates and elected officials, and build support for the We the People Amendment!

    After signing up, we'll follow up by phone and email to provide you with details about how to get involved, help you find if there is a local Move to Amend group near you, and if not, talk with you about how to get one started!

    What are your interests/skills (check all that apply)?

    Become a volunteer

  • published Donate 2022-01-03 09:54:00 -0800

  • Pledge to Amend Candidate Responses 2021-2022

    All candidates in each race listed were given the questions with the same amount of time to respond. If responses from some candidates are not below, it means that they chose not to respond to our questionnaire. We will continue to accept and post responses up to the day of the election.

    If you are a candidate and would like to submit a response, or if you would like to encourage candidates missing from below to respond, please use this link. We will update this page with new responses every few days.

    If you have corrections to the information below, please Contact Us. If you have questions about Move to Amend's Pledge to Amend campaign, please call our office at 916-318-8040.

    Presidential Candidates

    US House & Senate, State, and Municipal Candidates by state:

    Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California
    Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia
    Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
    Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
    Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
    Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
    New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
    Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
    South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont
    Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming



    No Election 


    Arizona: State House of Representatives, District 11

    Brian Radford (6/28/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”



    California: US House of Representatives, District 30


    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    Corporations are not people. We must eliminate the corrupt and corrosive impact of corporate money on our political system. I have proudly taken the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge, Patients Over Profits Pledge, No Cop Money Pledge, and the Green New Deal pledge. I don’t take any corporate money. Not only do I support overturning Citizens United and immediately moving towards a system of publicly funded elections, I strongly believe we must work to end wealth inequality and ensure the rich pay their fair share. I support a wealth tax, a Wall Street speculation tax, repealing the disastrous Trump tax cuts, and reinstating a strong marginal tax rate. We need to enact bold structural reforms that directly serve the working class and end corporate welfare."

    California: State Assembly, District 18

    Janani Ramachandran (7/1/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I am running as the only corporate-free candidate in my runoff election. One of the reasons I am running is because I am tired of corporate interests buying our elections and blocking progressive change. Corporate Democrats make big promises, yet thanks to the influence of special corporate interests, cast so many bad votes. I will work to support Move to Amend’s initiatives on a national level through state advocacy, while also pursuing state bills along the lines of Alex Lee’s recent attempt at rooting out direct corporate contributions, AB 20. I will also use the platforms I have available to draw attention to the havoc that corporate contributions wreak on our democracy, as I already have been in the course of my campaign. Corporate Democrats cannot claim to be pro-Medicare for All while accepting funds from medical insurance companies that have been blocking single-payer for years. Corporate Democrats cannot claim to care about climate change while accepting contributions from the oil and gas industry. I vow to be a voice for people power and true corporate-free Democracy."

    California: State Assembly, District 18


    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?


    California: State Assembly, District 64

    Fatima Iqbal-Zubair  (7/25/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    California: San Leandro City Council, District 1

    Celina Reynes (7/1/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    In my campaign for San Leandro City Council, I will not be accepting money from corporate donors, or accepting more than $100 from corporate executives whose businesses would be impacted by my leadership. Our democracy shouldn't be bought and paid for by the wealthy and powerful. This is especially true at the local level, where campaigns are relatively inexpensive, and corporate donations can carry a lot of weight. We need systematic change, since these donations are—for now—completely legal. In my first year, I would like to put together an ethics commission and pass local campaign finance reform. I would also like to make it easier for everyday residents of San Leandro to run for office by paying City Council members a living wage.


    Florida: US House of Representatives, District 13

    Charlie Crist (9/30/2020):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I was a cosponsor and voted for HR 1 that passed the House. The For the People Act of 2019 includes significant reforms to provide greater access to voting, eliminate gerrymandering in the drawing of political districts, implement more disclosure requirements for campaign contributions and establish public campaign financing. I will continue to advocate for these types of reforms in the next Congress, and I will make campaign finance reforms a top priority. I also will continue to support the We the People Amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that corporations are no longer treated like private individuals with the same constitutional rights."    

    (Special thanks: Florida Veterans For Common Sense)


    Ohio: State House of Representatives, District 90

    Dakota Hurd (7/20/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.” 


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I will constantly bring up bills which prevent politicians from running in Ohio if they have received any funding From corporations."

    Ohio: Ada Village, City Council

    Sean Beck (6/20/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I would like to introduce legislation within my town to make sure that big businesses and PACs can't donate to our elections. If that is something that the village does not have jurisdiction over, I would support or introduce a resolution to be sent to the appropriate committees at the State and Federal legislatures."

    Ohio: Cincinnati City Council

    Brian Garry (5/18/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?


    Ohio: Cincinnati City Council

    Galen G. Gordon (5/18/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    Ohio: Cincinnati School Board

    Mike Moroski (6/18/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I will continue to fight interests in Columbus that would just as soon see our kids fail."

    Ohio: Cleveland, Mayor

    Ross DiBello (2/20/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by publicly speaking out and educating about the need for this Amendment.


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "Significantly decrease the maximum amounts allowed for both individuals and corporations. I propose limiting PACs from the current allowable limit of $7,500 down to a maximum of just $250."

    Ohio: Cleveland City Council, At-Large

    J. Matt Nickels (2/22/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I plan to propose a charter amendment to cap funds for city races; mayor, city council, school, board, etc."

    Ohio: East Cleveland City Council, At-Large

    Patricia Blochowiak (8/22/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I will put forth a motion to pass legislation in local support of HJR48."

    Ohio: Cleveland City Council, Ward 4

    Deborah Gray (7/24/2021)

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”



    Ohio: Cleveland City Council, Ward 12

    Rebecca Maurer (6/20/2021)

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "Expanding Cleveland's Democracy Day and making it a yearly occurrence."

    Ohio: Cleveland Heights, Mayor

    Josephine "Josie" Moore (2/20/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "I will encourage our City Council to pass legislation and resolutions in support of ending corporate personhood and corporate donations to campaigns. I will advocate on behalf of our city to higher levels of government to pass and ratify this amendment."

    Ohio: Cleveland Heights, Mayor

    Kahlil Seren (4/19/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

     "I live in a community that has already passed a Move to Amend/Democracy Day Issue, which I have had the opportunity to be informed and inspired by during my tenure on City Council. As Mayor I will continue to publicly support this movement and will, to the degree that I am allowed by state and federal law, to make a substantive impact by introducing legislation regulating municipal contracting and political influence to make sure that public decisions are made for the benefit of the people.

    Ohio: Dayton City Commission, At-Large


    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    Ohio: Garfield Heights City Council, Ward 6

    Renae Bolton (5/19/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "As a new candidate for this office, I will seek answers and action items from those already familiar with this work to show how I can further this cause in my own right."

    Ohio: Toledo City Council, At-Large

    Daniel Ortiz (5/21/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "Impose dollar amount limits on campaign donations."


    Oregon: Oregon State Treasurer

    Chris Henry (9/8/2020):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


    How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?

    "Oregon's $110 Billion (plus) public investment dollars are currently being invested on Wall Street. I will create an Oregon State Bank and bring those public funds back to invest in the communities of We The People of Oregon. And NOT the 1%, Vulture Capitalist, and Wall Street hedge fund investment firms, CFO operators, and other offshore tax shelter jackals. Besides the Amendment stating that 1.) corporations are not people and that, 2.) money is not free speech, I support a 3.) separation between corporation and state, which will mirror the separation between church and state. Besides 1.) allowing for campaign finance reform, there should also be 2.) a transparency requirement to inform the public of the top 5 donors to be listed in the print, radio, tv, billboard, and within any and all published campaigning material itself. Further, We should be striving for publicly funded campaigns. Making the Voter's Pamphlet free to those who are already going to be listed on a voter's ballot is a start to creating public. The goal should be to inform the public, not imposing high monetary fees to simply publish in a publicly sourced voter guide. As an example: The Seatle Voucher system holds promise as a public funding model, which keeps corporations out, and puts people back into a publicly-funded, small-donor, voucher system. I will advocate for M2A and a 28th Amendment as a candidate, yes."


    Pennsylvania: Brook Park City Council, At Large

    Thomas Dufour (3/4/2021):

    “I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.”


    “I will use my office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution by passing resolutions, proposing legislation, and publicly speaking out about the need for this Amendment.”


  • Spring Fundraising Drive Kicks Off Today! All Donations Matched this Week!

    We have GREAT news to kick off our Spring fundraiser -- the #WeThePeopleAmendment (HJR48) is *officially* introduced into the 117th Congress by Rep. Pramila Jayapal with 55 cosponsors -- check it out on Congress.gov!!

    If you make a donation to Move to Amend this week, May 24th-May 28th, thanks to generous supporters like yourself, your donation will be matched UP TO $10,000!

    RSVP FOR OUR LIVESTREAM Monday at 2:30 PT/5:30 ET


    Read more

  • published Petition Signature Leaderboard 2021-04-14 09:41:05 -0700

    Petition Signature Leaderboard

    Top 5 Top Monthly Recruiter
    Michele Blair 1
    2 recruited signatures
    Robert Fingerman 2
    1 recruited signatures
    Albertina Henize 3
    1 recruited signatures
    Pat Schwinn 4
    1 recruited signatures
    Kimberly Browning 5
    1 recruited signatures

  • published March 30 Briefing RSVP 2021-03-25 11:24:00 -0700

  • published Volunteer in Get Involved 2021-01-21 15:48:51 -0800

  • signed up on 2021 Campaign Sign up 2021-01-19 13:26:53 -0800

    Will you help push your Rep to co-sponsor the #WeThePeopleAmendment?

    The #WeThePeopleAmendment will be introduced in Congress sometime in the next few weeks.

    This amendment makes clear that only human beings have Constitutional rights (not corporations) and that money is not speech so that campaign spending can be regulated and big money can be eliminated from the political process.

    This critical amendment is necessary to move forward on just about every other issue you care about, from climate change to election integrity to police brutality and human rights!

    Our goal is to get at least 100 co-sponsors on the #WeThePeopleAmendment -- so we need at least 3-5 constituents in each district to hold a successful lobby meeting... sign up below!

    The meetings will all be virtual and online and will take about 20-30 mins. Move to Amend organizers will help you prepare for the meeting and work with you to ensure it is a success!

    What is needed to participate:

    • High speed internet and computer with video capability (if this is a challenge for you, let us know and we will see if we can make it work)
    • A passion for passing the #WeThePeopleAmendment to end corporate rule and get big money out of politics
    • 1-2 hours to prepare your statement during the meeting and join a prep call with Move to Amend organizers and other volunteers 
    • 20-30 minutes during a week day (between 9am-5pm ET) for the meeting with your Representative and/or a member of their staff (to be scheduled by their office)

    Can we count you in to join the meeting?

    Sign up

  • Recruit Your Friends to Join the Meeting with Your Representative!

    Copy and paste the Personal Tracking Link below to social media and/or send it out in an email or text message to ask your friends to join the meeting with your Rep. We need 3-5 constituents lined up before we can hold the meeting, so start inviting people who also live in your Congressional District ASAP! 

    Here is example text to post to invite your friends to join you:

    I'm working with Move to Amend to organize a virtual mtg w/Congressperson [YOUR REP'S LAST NAME] to call on [HER/HIM] to co-sponsor the #WeThePeopleAmendment to end corporate personhood & get big money out of politics. Will you join this important mtg with me?

    Start recruiting

  • published MoveToAmend.org/get_involved_in_2021 2021-01-12 16:09:02 -0800

  • published We the People Lobby 2021 in Action Campaigns 2021-01-11 16:35:24 -0800

    We the People Lobby 2021

    2021 Goal

    This year we need to secure 100 House of Representatives Co-Sponsors of House Joint Resolution 48 (the We the People Amendment) and have the amendment introduced in the U.S. Senate with 5 co-sponsors.

    Join the Campaign!

    STEP 1: Click here to sign up. We'll connect you with other Move to Amend supporters in your state/district to get started.

    STEP 2: Review the Materials Below.

    STEP 3: Schedule meetings with your Representative and/or Senators! Once scheduled, click here here to let us know the details about your upcoming meeting(s).

    STEP 4: After your scheduled meetings, tell us the results! (FORM COMING SOON!)

    Campaign Launch Webinar

    This video is geared toward We the People Lobby Month in August, but all of the information is relevant beyond as well. You can schedule a lobby meeting with your Representative or Senators ANY TIME!

    Pre-Meeting Preparation

    Become acquainted with what you will be asking for. Check out these resources:

    Practice telling your story. We encourage you to practice telling your story in advance to increase confidence for your meetings.

    Learn more about your Senators and Representatives. It is helpful to familiarize yourself with your members’ priorities and views by visiting their websites at www.senate.gov or www.house.gov. Also check to see if they have co-sponsored any of the competing amendment resolutions.

    Be prepared to meet with your legislator’s legislative assistant. Your legislator may not attend the meeting. Staff may be young, but they are instrumental in shaping the legislator’s views. It is not unusual for the legislator to defer to his/her staff for an opinion on your issue. It is important to demonstrate respect to everyone you encounter during your visit.

    Bring contact information. A business card from work, or a 2 x 3.5 inch card you print yourself, should contain your name, address and email information. 

    Plan to dress appropriately. Please wear clean and appropriate professional attire (suits, dress pants; shirts with ties; dresses; skirts and blouses; etc.) for your meetings with lawmakers. No jeans, sandals, flip flops or printed tee shirts. 

    Schedule Your Meeting(s)

    Expect it to take about 2-3 weeks to land your meeting. Note that many offices will not confirm a meeting until 1 week out. Your Representative(s) should be available for most of the month of August so that might be a good time to plan to set up your meeting, when they are in District. 

    Our suggestion is that you try to meet with both your House member, to secure co-sponsorship of House Joint Resolution 48, and also meet with your Senators since our goal is to get the amendment introduced in the Senate this year too.

    Appointments may either be made by emailing the legislator’s scheduling person, or by phone. Every office differs in their preferred scheduling process, so please check with them to determine which process to use. Be sure to be persistent if you don't get a response, and don't just rely on email alone!

    Phone Script

    “Hello, my name is [name] from Move to Amend. May I please speak to the in-District scheduler?” (Write down the scheduler’s name. Be sure to get the correct spelling.)

    “I am a constituent of Representative / Senator [NAME] and I would like to schedule a virtual meeting with Representative / Senator [NAME] and/or her/his Legislative staff person the next time [she/he] is in District. I'd like to discuss the We the People Amendment (currently House Joint Resolution 48) and the importance of addressing the problem of big money in elections and corporate influence over the political and legal process."

    "May we do this on the phone, or would you prefer an email or fax?”

    At this point, you may either continue, or take down the email address. Although you should make every effort to get a meeting with the legislator, many times you will be referred to the appropriate staff person, e.g., the one who handles legislative or government affairs issues.

    If you are able to continue on the phone, let the scheduler know who is coming:

    “At this time, the following people will be attending: [list names and affiliations].

    Note: You may have to contact the office several times before someone returns your call or confirms an appointment. Be persistent and proactive—you are calling as a voting constituent!

    Sample Email

    Dear [Name of Scheduler],

    Volunteers with the national Move to Amend campaign would very much appreciate a virtual meeting with [Senator]/[Representative] [Name] the next time [she/he] is in District and/or [his]/[her] Legislative staff person to discuss the We the People Amendment (currently House Joint Resolution 48) and the importance of addressing the problem of big money in elections and corporate influence over the political and legal process. 

    Among attendees will be [Insert names of participants from the Rep’s home state and their towns]. There may be others at the meeting as well, but I am unable to confirm the names at this time.

    Thank you so much for your consideration of our request.


    [Your name]

    Meeting Tips

    Visit as a group if possible. The leader should start and conclude the meeting. One group member must take notes and report back the details of each meeting. Make sure you assign this task in your group before you are at the visit!

    The constituents are most important. The legislators’ primary concern is whether you can elect him or her into office. If you live in the district you are important. The spokesperson should begin the meeting by identifying himself/herself as a constituent and introducing all participants, and briefly identify your request early in case time runs short.

    Cover the priority issue. Now is the time you’ve been waiting for! Tell your story, and explain why passing the We the People Amendment is important to you. Make your remarks brief and to the point. Encourage them to learn more and do more.

    Stay on topic. Be careful: a little chit-chat is acceptable, but be sure to stay on topic and not be drawn into storytelling—you’ll never know where the time went! Be concise and stick to the issue at hand, but do not rush the conversation. Don’t make statements that assume that others share your political views and be respectful when talking about all political leaders.

    Solicit the legislator’s views on this issue. Review your request and do some research on your legislator. Has your legislator taken the Pledge to Amend? Have they endorsed other amendment measures? If they have shown support for similar measures thank them appropriately and encourage them to sign on to the We the People Amendment. If there is disagreement, avoid arguing with your legislator or their staff. Listen to his/her perspective and then present your views. You will enhance your effectiveness if you can demonstrate a willingness to participate in a friendly exchange of ideas.

    Record the questions and responses of your legislator and their staff using the online reporting form - (FORM COMING SOON!) this is really important for follow up!)

    Conclude your meeting. Make sure your legislator and/or staff has a copy of the briefing information and your primary contact information. Thank them for their time and offer to be a resource to them going forward.

    Take a picture! Especially if you are a group, take your picture with your legislator or their staffer -- this is a historic day!

    --> As soon as the meeting is over, please submit the Online Reporting Form (FORM COMING SOON!) to let us know the results of the meeting. 

    Meeting Followup

    Thank Yous. Send a thank you letter to your Legislator or their staffer following the meeting. Thank the legislator and/or staff person for their time and reiterate your “ask” that they co-sponsor HJR 48. Put this letter in the mail as soon as you get home or mail it before you leave. [Example coming soon!]

    Meeting Report Back Forms. The note taker should fill out this form ASAP after the meeting while the details are fresh in your mind. Use the notes from your printed report form(s) to file the online report so the details of your visit are recorded in the Move to Amend database.

    Follow Up. One of the most important aspects of a lobby day is the follow up.

    It will also be important to follow up about 2 weeks later if your legislator or their staff person did not give you a clear answer, or gave you a positive answer but then did not follow through with their commitment. Whether this is done by phone or email, or even another in person visit, the staffer and legislator will know you are serious if you follow up. Always be friendly and professional, and offer to provide additional information if it will help them to make a decision.

    Lobby Packet

    We recommend you email copies of these documents to the office in advance of the meeting:

    Additional Resources

    Citizen Lobbying Resources

    Background Resources

  • published Pledge To Amend 2023-2024 in Action Campaigns 2021-01-11 13:24:55 -0800

    Pledge To Amend 2023-2024

    2023-2024 Goal

    Target candidates for local, state and federal office to get their positions on record per the We the People Amendment and make this an election issue. Get 1000 Pledge to Amend signups (at least 50% of candidates elected on election day).

    Sign the Pledge to Amend

    Are you an elected officeholder who supports amending the Constitution to end corporate Constitutional rights and getting money out of politics? Sign the Pledge to Amend!

    The Pledge to Amend states:

    I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.

    Where Do They Stand?

    Click here to find out if your candidate has made the Pledge to Amend...

    Click here to find out if your elected officials have made the Pledge to Amend...

    Join the Campaign


    Campaign Resources

    Pledge to Amend Campaign Resources

    OK, are you ready to get started?

    Let us know which races you want to target and what your plans are by filling out this survey. If there are others who respond who are in your area, we will be sure to connect you so you don't duplicate efforts!

    If you have questions contact us at [email protected] or call our office at 916-318-8040.

  • published get involved 2021 2021-01-02 13:48:07 -0800

  • End of Year Livestream 2020! (Watch Recording Here!)

    Count down to the end of 2020 with Move to Amend!

    Join us tomorrow -- Wednesday, December 30 at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern -- for a special livestream with Move to Amend grassroots volunteers, staff team and board members.

    We will be streaming on all our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and we hope you'll tune in and join the conversation!

    We'll share our successes from this part year, give some real talk about the challenges we have been struggling with, celebrate the wonderful and committed Move to Amend community (which definitely includes you, Kaitlin!) and talk about what we expect in the year ahead (to the extent that anything these days can be planned or expected!).

    Those who donate during the livestream will be entered in a raffle to win a Move to Amend t-shirt or water bottle!

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  • published Community Mtg 2020-04-16 13:06:01 -0700

  • published Online Store 2020-03-08 23:08:34 -0700

  • signed Add your Name in Support 2019-12-17 14:46:05 -0800

    Motion to Amend ~ Sign the Petition

    520,886 signatures

    We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.


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Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap

Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap

National Director of Move to Amend.
Follow on Twitter: @kaitlin_sb
Find us on Facebook: Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
$8,539.76 raised
GOAL: $10,000.00
Donate on behalf of Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap:
Support Move to Amend:
Volunteer Sign the Motion to Amend