• What's New

    You flexed your democratic muscles on the Citizens United anniversary

    Over 2000 Move to Amend supporters like you called or emailed  Congressional offices around the 15th Anniversary of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision urging them to become an original co-sponsor of the We the People Amendment.

    The initiative, calling for ending “corporate personhood” and “money spent in elections equals free speech," will be introduced in the next month Rep. Pramila Jayapal. Another 19 Congressional offices were personally visited by MTA supporters – in many cases during extreme weather conditions. 

    The calls, emails and visits could not be more timely as we are witnessing in real time the beginnings of the returns billionaires and corporations are receiving for their political investments to the Trump campaign – everything from cabinet and ambassador appointments to efforts to gut government regulatory protections that protect our health, safety and environment.

    Your involvement in pushing for systemic change is all the more important at the same time that we help resist the daily threats to peoples and communities. Only systemic change like the We the People Amendment solves systemic political and economic problems that we face.

    If you didn’t before, click on the image to watch Rep. Jayapal’s message of support for the We the People Amendment.

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  • Greg Coleridge on the Movement to Abolish Corporate Personhood

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  • Urge Congress to Cosponsor the We the People Amendment!

    A new Congress has begun, and with it comes a renewed opportunity to challenge the dominance of corporate money in our political system. Rep. Pramila Jayapal has just reintroduced the We the People Amendment and issued a new Dear Colleague letter calling on members of Congress to join as cosponsors.

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  • It’s time to break the cycle.

    We’ve all seen the movie Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray keeps reliving the same day over and over until he gets it right. Well, here’s the thing – we don’t want to keep repeating the same mistakes, and we certainly don’t want our political system stuck in a loop of corporate influence and inaction.

    It’s time to break the cycle.


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  • RECORDING: How to Outreach to Organized Labor / Working People

    Watch the recording by clicking on the image

    Wednesday, January 28, 2025

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  • Featured petition

    Motion to Amend ~ Sign the Petition

    521,143 SIGNATURES
    600,000 signatures

    We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.


    Will you sign?

    or Text SIGN to +17076564019 to sign or Text SIGN to +12055489262 to sign
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