Local Organizing to Build a National Movement
Thank you for your interest in working locally towards this important goal, and welcome to the Move to Amend movement!
Amending the U.S. Constitution is a long-term campaign that will require the participation of groups across the country to be successful. To successfully amend the Constitution will require the support of millions of people. Large corporations will resist our efforts, but the good news is that most Americans are with us! When Americans have been asked if they believe corporations should have the same rights as people, nearly 80% stated they believe the Constitution should be amended to state that corporations do not have constitutional rights.
It is our collective job to reach out to everyday Americans and engage them with Move to Amend. The toolkit below provides a number of helpful resources and creative tools to help you do just that. We invite you to use the suggestions and materials provided in this toolkit to adapt them to your local needs.
Ready to Volunteer? Sign up today!
Volunteer Kits
This toolkit has been broken down into a series of volunteer kits designed to help you organize and grow support for this movement within your local community. Each kit provides a wealth of tools and resources based on your local group’s needs and your individual interests and skills to become effective grassroots leaders. Whether you are a seasoned activist or new to organizing, we hope these volunteer kits will be useful as you organize in your area!
Affiliate Organizing KitMove to Amend starter kit containing all the instructions & resources you need for starting a Move to Amend group in your local community -- No Experience Required! |
Outreach & Engagement KitAn informative kit for Move to Amend spokespeople, providing a series of planning guides, talking points, and promotional resources to help you identify opportunities to engage the community, recruit volunteers to grow your local group, and secure mutual support from local allies to grow our coalition. |
Petitioning & Tabling KitAn easy-to-use kit with instructions for how to collect Move to Amend petition signatures and grow support for the We the People Amendment -- No Affiliation Required! |
Political Organizing KitAn essential kit for the citizen lobbyist, containing talking points and materials for educating & lobbying our elected officials and candidates running for public office to support Move to Amend and the We the People Amendment. |
Public Education KitThe educator's kit provides a host of talking points, sample presentations, and informative handouts designed to educate, agitate and empower the community to develop an analysis of corporate power, the systemic problem, and theories of social change. |
Media & Communications KitThe messenger's kit for learning how to educate the broader public on the campaign by developing creative messaging, memes and arguments for why regular people should join the national coalition using earned media, social media, and other communication mediums. |
Direct Action Kit
An activist's kit offering a collection of artful ideas, graphic designs & creative materials to organize local Move to Amend actions and events to raise awareness about corporate rule and inspire community members to take action. |
Take Action WebinarsConnect with Move to Amend and learn about organizing tools, practices, and campaign opportunities to connect with other MTA community organizers across the country by joining our Take Action Webinars. |