INVEST a few dollars toward legalizing democracy and a Constitution that only belongs to We The People, not the corporations!

Will you join me in recruiting our Congress member to co-sponsor the #WeThePeople Amendment?


Why I support Move to Amend

Hi friends! 

What's the number one issue you care about? It can be anything -- ie voter rights, BLM, climate change, abolishing ICE, etc. If you look close enough, you will see corporate personhood fingerprints and traces of dark money all over it.  The great corporatization of's not a Conspiracy, its our sad reality. Our Representatives no longer represents We the People, they only represent their Corporate Donors' best interest. 

And while there are many great orgs and movements out there addressing corruption and the many other subsequent issues we are facing, only Move to Amend is addressing the two root issues: Money in Politics AND the absurdity of Corporate Personhood Rights. 

This will require a LOT of public education, political engagement, and persistence -- especially when there's a lot of private interests that will try to stop us using their deep pockets -- but it CAN be done if we all play our part: volunteer, spread the word, and INVEST a few dollars toward legalizing democracy and a Constitution that only belongs to We The People, not the corporations!

Will you help me raise money to get the undue influence of big money and corporate interests out of our government by setting up a monthly donation to Move to Amend on this page? 

How I've supported Move to Amend

  • published February 2021 Newsletter in Announcements 2021-02-05 07:22:04 -0800

    February 2021 Newsletter


    In this month's newsletter:

    • Let's Move the 117th Congress to Amend!
    • Quick Actions for All
    • Join the Movement Education Program Re-launch
    • Join us as we March Toward a People's Constitution
    • Community Calendar
    • January Live Report Recording
    • Making Sense with Move to Amend
    • The REAL Democracy History Calendar
    • From our Store
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  • published Unhappy birthday in Announcements 2021-01-30 14:22:55 -0800

    Unhappy birthday

    Forty-five years ago today, the Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) that restrictions on campaign spending were a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

    They really said that MONEY, which is PROPERTY, is the same as FREE SPEECH.

    Most of us learned about the absurd Supreme Court doctrines of "money = speech" and "corporations are people" in 2010, when the Citizens United ruling came down.

    But the Buckley v. Valeo (1976) case that set the "money = speech" precedent was not about corporations -- it was about one individual's belief that campaign finance laws were a violation of his first amendment rights to express himself.

    It's important to understand that these two ridiculous doctrines existed long before Citizens United.

    Citizens United is a symptom -- it is not the disease.


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  • Let's Move the 117th Congress to Amend!

    Despite all of the chaos, we haven't forgotten that it is a brand new Congress!

    As we watch the events unfold in the wake of the January 6th riots at the Capitol, we also remain laser-focused on our immediate goal for the first quarter of 2021:

    • 100 HOUSE COSPONSORS for the #WeThePeople Amendment


    And we have a solid plan to get it done.

    Join the 2021 Campaign Kickoff Call on Jan 21
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  • published Impeachment is imperative in Announcements 2021-01-14 16:58:36 -0800

    Impeach Trump

    If the Senate fails to convict Donald Trump for spreading falsehoods and inciting the deadly January 6th riots at the Capitol, we won't be surprised. 

    We have unfortunately grown accustomed to them not doing their jobs.

    But that doesn't change the fact that it is critical that they convict him. Tell your Senators to act swiftly to convict Donald Trump before he leaves office.

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  • published You're the best ❤️ in Announcements 2021-01-04 17:15:13 -0800

    You're the best ❤️

    From the bottom of our hearts -- thank you so much.

    We are blown away at how you all came through for us. After a year like 2020 -- which was terrifying on every level, not excluding the uncertainty that our 100% grassroots-funded organization could survive the economic downturn -- we are so excited to announce that you made sure we met our fundraising goal of $25,000 and then some!!!

    Which means we are 100% READY to come out swinging in this new year, to advance the #WeThePeopleAmendment in a new Congress. 

    WHAT'S NEXT: Join us for two trainings we are offering in January...

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  • published Looking ahead to 2021 👀 in Announcements 2020-12-31 13:19:27 -0800

    Looking ahead to 2021 👀

    We are ready to go because the fight is more important than it's ever been -- and the time is right. We recognize that this is a unique moment in history -- amid all of the confusion and suffering, movements are rising up everywhere, and coalescing around a larger set of demands for social, economic, and environmental justice. 2020 saw more people in the streets than at any other time in U.S. history. These are the moments where anything is possible, if we all rise up together. 

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  • published Donate Now to Double Your Impact in Announcements 2020-12-27 17:59:37 -0800

    Donate Now to Double Your Impact

    Investing in Move to Amend is like a light in the wilderness -- a sure fire way to lift your spirits! 

    Our POCLAD friends are worried we aren't going to make our goal for the end of the year so they have pledged to match all contributions to Move to Amend between now and December 31, up to $10,000.

    Click here to double the amount of your contribution.

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  • published Live Report December 2020 in Announcements 2020-12-17 19:14:00 -0800

    Live Report December 2020

    Check out the last Live Report of 2020! 

    Get the #CorporateRule news that we're tracking, learn about what we've been working on, get the latest updates from our grassroots chapters across the country, and find out what's ahead in 2021! 

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  • published THANK YOU! in Announcements 2020-12-15 09:28:15 -0800


    Move to Amend is a coalition of hundreds of thousands of folks including you -- whose passion and commitment to democracy is unmeasurable.

    Volunteer affiliate leaders, monthly sustainer members, single-time donors, advocates, and the national team, form this amazing constellation of people -- working tirelessly to end corporate rule through systemic change, regardless of the hurdles standing in our way. 

    One of our immediate hurdles is to meet our end of the year fundraising goal of $25,000.

    As a small nonprofit, we typically raise one-third of our annual budget during our year-end fundraising. This year especially, we have a lot of ground to cover to meet our fundraising needs. Please help us meet our End of Year goal of $25,000 so we can go into 2021 in the black.

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  • published Constitution Launch! in Announcements 2020-12-09 21:49:22 -0800

    Toward a People's Constitution Project Launches Today!

    On this anniversary of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, we are VERY excited to announce that Toward a People's Constitution is officially a campaign!


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  • published Our 2020 Accomplishments in Announcements 2020-12-09 09:14:05 -0800

    Our 2020 Accomplishments

    What. A. Year.

    While we never could have predicted the absolute wrench a global pandemic would throw into the mix of consolidating corporate rule over our basic human rights, we aren't surprised at all that things are at a tipping point -- socially, economically, and ecologically. We've always known this moment would arrive.

    And these moments, as brutal and terrifying as they are, are also moments of opportunity to educate, agitate and organize toward the world we want and deserve.

    And Move to Amend stayed on course, through temporary staff layoffs and general uncertainty as a purely grassroots-funded organization (the hardest hit in this crisis).

    We are proud to announce our 2020 accomplishments that your support made possible -- from the national to the grassroots level!

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  • Call Your Senators - Urgent Relief Needed

    Call the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121.
    Find your Senators 

    Message: Pass a bold stimulus bill NOW to address the immediate needs of people, but not corporations. 

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  • published 2020 accomplishments in Announcements 2020-12-01 14:51:34 -0800

    2020 accomplishments

    You know what?

    In a year like 2020, it's good to look back on the wins we've had in our campaign and larger democracy movement.

    Because despite all of the chaos and collective trauma, our movement only grew -- unsurprisingly, more and more people are understanding that we need a long game for the kind of deep systemic change that will correct the disastrous course we are on.

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  • published BIG WINS in Announcements 2020-11-04 20:46:09 -0800


    Election night was a wild ride, and it's looking like there will be more chaos to come.

    As usual, Corporate Rule was the big winner across the board -- with unprecedented sums of money sunk into campaigns for corporate politicians and ballot initiatives that placed corporate profit over workers' and tenants' rights.

    But the good news is: our movement to end corporate rule and get money out of politics had some BIG WINS on Election night!

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  • published October Live Report in Announcements 2020-11-02 10:07:44 -0800

    October Live Report

    Corporate Rule News:

    As if 2020 could not get any worse -- this week Democracy took a huge blow with the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrette to the Supreme Court.

    With a 52 - 48 vote, GOP Senators that represent 11 million fewer Americans than their Democratic counterparts, gave the President that lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, his third Supreme Court Justice.

    But even more disgusting are all the reasons why Trump and the GOP might’ve rushed the confirmation hearings --  they are trying to consolidate power of the 3 governmental branches- they have the white house, the senate, and now finally a majority uber conservative court. 

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  • Report-back from the People's Movement Assembly: Toward a People's Constitution






    This past weekend was momentous. Move to Amend, in coalition with our partners; Community Environmental Legal Defense FundThe Pachamama AllianceA Radical Guide, and Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution assembled over 130 people for a weekend of learning, visioning, and discussions about a People’s Constitution.

    Thank you so much to all of the participants, panelists, presenters, artists, facilitators, and those who took on childcare this weekend so we could gather. 

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  • published Toward a People's Constitution 2020-10-27 16:41:55 -0700

    Toward a People's Constitution

    On October 2020 we held a participatory People's Movement Assembly (PMA) with over a hundred people from across the country who came together to discuss why and how we need to democratize the United States Constitution. 

    The 2020 People’s Movement Assembly was a catalyst -- the beginning of something big -- and we invite you to sign up below to stay up to date on all things related to this project!

    During the 2020 PMA we collectively identified that:

    • We are in a moment of converging crises - Climate collapse, global uprisings against state violence and police brutality, and a global pandemic when most are without access to healthcare.

    • What's happening now is rooted in the values defined in (or missing from) the US Constitution - An undemocratic and ultra-powerful judicial branch, lack of human rights protections, no right to vote, and a whole lot of racist language just to name a few.

    • Bold, systemic change is needed - We have to know our power and be able to think outside of what we’ve been told is possible. It’s going to take courage, audacity, and a whole lot of learning and conversations to make it happen. But the only thing we have to lose is our chains. 

    • We have to have a vision and a plan - We learned that when constitutions around the world are re-imagined (on average other countries rewrite their constitutions every 19 years!) they’re more democratic when the Movement has a clear vision of what they want in their constitution. We have been building this vision for over ten years, and we continued it this weekend. 

    • People want a constitution that protects human rights, not just property rights. We like a lot of what’s in the Bill of Rights, (with some changes and exceptions), but the rights should extend further. People want a right to healthcare, housing, rights of nature, gender equity, a right to vote, and a whole lot more. 

    • We don't have to start from scratch. We can get over American exceptionalism and take inspiration from the constitutions of other countries, the UN Declaration on Human Rights, and the 2nd Bill of Rights proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    We have a lot of political muscle to build to be prepared to democratize the constitution. We’re not proposing Move to Amend are the ones to do it alone, nor that it should be done right now. But there are people who want to restrict rights and create room for more authoritarianism, and they’re planning for a constitutional convention. We need to have a plan too. If we don’t, things aren't going to turn out well.

    We’re moving forward on this work, we’re creating a strategy, and if you liked the 2020 PMA, there’s a lot more where that came from. Sign up below to stay up to date on the latest news and future People's Movement Assemblies and our Toward a People's Constitution program.

    Sign up

  • PMA readings and overview

    The truth is this People’s Movement Assembly will be different. We’re used to getting folks together to have big conversations but this is the first time we’ve hosted a *virtual* People’s Movement Assembly.

    We want to welcome you to settle in for a weekend-long process and embrace the revolutionary community building in this historical moment. 

    Which means, we’ve got a lot to cover! To help maximize our time together, we’ve complied a suggested readings list for you and here’s what you can expect this weekend!

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  • published PRESS RELEASE 10/21/2020 in Announcements 2020-10-21 12:23:35 -0700

    PRESS RELEASE 10/21/2020

    "Donald Trump and Joe Biden need to address the economic, environmental, political and social harms caused by corporate constitutional rights at Thursday’s last presidential debate..."


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  • published Eleven Years! in Announcements 2020-10-20 16:25:37 -0700

    Eleven Years!

    It's hard to believe. But eleven years ago today, twelve organizers and activists were sitting together in a living room, discussing what should be done in response to the terrifying Citizens United vs. FEC case that was being heard by the Supreme Court, expecting that it would pass.

    These organizers weren't new to the problem of corporate constitutional rights. But what brought them all together -- from all corners of the country -- into that living room was the understanding that this case was getting the kind of national attention that could finally kick off the kind of movement would be required if we were to ever solve the problem of corporate personhood.

    And on that day, Move to Amend was born.


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Alfonso Saldana

Alfonso Saldana

We can't have nice things until we abolish corporate constitutional rights and get big dark money out of politics! Co Director at He/Him
$788.00 raised
GOAL: $1,000.00
Donate on behalf of Alfonso Saldana:
Support Move to Amend:
Volunteer Sign the Motion to Amend