Working Together for Real People Power

Why I support Move to Amend


I’ve been privileged during my life in many ways. Near the top of the list has been the opportunity to work and become friends with incredible people across the country who’ve selflessly shared their time, talents and treasures to help others and to change the underlying conditions that harm people, places and the planet. 

The separate and increasing numerous and interrelated economic, social, political and environmental problems that have been blatantly exposed in 2020 share several root causes. One of them is that people lack fundamental rights to make important decisions affecting their lives. This absence of our right to decide is due to a sad truth: we’ve never lived in an authentic democracy/democratic republic. We the People have never included all the people.

Making matters worse has been courts granting corporations constitutional rights (“corporate personhood”) that overturn passed laws and the constitutional right of wealthy individuals and corporate entities to spend huge sums of money to influence elected officials and public policies. Both prevent our ability to protect our health and safety and the welfare of our communities, country and ecosystem.

This needs to fundamentally change. That’s why I work and support Move to Amend, calling for the We the People Amendment and for real democracy. Please help me reach my personal goal of raising $5000 by the end of the year to support our efforts.

I’ve been working to end corporate constitutional rights for 25 years -- before most people ever heard of “corporate personhood” and more than a decade before the Citizens United Supreme Court decision. It began when it struck me that all the peace, justice and environmental problems I was working on for a social action organization in Ohio wasn’t addressing the core issues of: Who governs? Who decides? Who has the power to determine the kinds of laws and regulations we have? The answer to all these questions was “Not us, not people."

Past and present “surface” problems will never be solved unless we address the root solutions of abolishing corporate constitutional rights (“corporate personhood”), big money in elections (caused by the constitutional doctrine that money in elections equals free speech) and democratizing our Constitution. This will only happen by building a grassroots and racially, gender and age diverse democracy movement -- which is Move to Amend’s mission. Over 700 communities across the country have passed resolutions and initiatives in the spirit of the We the People Amendment while 75 Congressional Representatives are Amendment cosponsors. 

We don’t chase the headlines or shift our strategy based on where major foundations this year want to put their money. We’re able to focus on root causes because we’re politically and economically independent -- not funded by corporations, big foundations, political parties, governments or billionaires. Instead, we depend on our supporters to help us continue the work.

The pandemic may have financially hit you hard. It did us. All staff, including me, worked as volunteers and went on unemployment for many months. It’s critical we get back on track for the start of 2021.

Please make an investment (it’s more than a donation or contribution) to help us together work for real people power to achieve justice in all their forms, a livable world and authentic democracy.

Thank you for considering.

Onwards and Upwards! 

How I've supported Move to Amend

  • published Other Amendments (2022 Archive) in Other Amendments 2023-02-03 09:29:45 -0800

    Other Amendments (2022 Archive)

    How Move to Amend Stands Out from the Crowd

    While it is exciting to see the flurry of momentum and energy that is finally getting some traction in a small segment of Congress, Move to Amend is very clear that it is important that we not let our goals be diluted by our legislators in Washington, even by those who mean well and want to see reform in our political system.

    Passing an amendment will be a tough job, so the language must be commensurate with the effort needed to win, and the amendment must be strong and clear enough to end corporate rule - there's no room here for half solutions or ambiguity.

    It is our belief that we need to operate on the assumption that once an Amendment comes out of Congress we won't get another shot. So we MUST get it right!

    With many competing proposals, it can be confusing to figure out what is what in terms of what the proposals will actually do. We have prepared a summary of each of the amendments proposed, including what is missing from each one.

    We also encourage you to check out our article, "How Corporate Constitutional Rights Harm You, Your Family, Your Community, Your Environment, and Your Democracy" to explain why we feel so strongly that half-way solutions cannot be accepted.

    Click here to read Move to Amend's "We the People" Amendment proposal (House Joint Resolution 48) that will clearly establish that money is not speech, corporations are not people, and allows for no loopholes. Our amendment will put people in charge of our government, and corporations in their proper place.

    Proposed Amendments (117th Congress)

    "Democracy for All" Amendment Proposal 

    • Introduced on January 4, 2021 in the House of Representative by Rep. Ted Deutch (FL) and in the Senate by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
    • Read the text and explanation here: H.J. Res. 1 / S.J. Res 25
    • Organizations involved: American Promise, Public Citizen, People for the American Way, Free Speech for People, Common Cause

    What it does:

    • Asserts that Congress and the States (a) may regulate and limit the amount for campaign contributions and expenditures and (b) may distinguish between natural persons and artificial entities when creating campaign finance legislation.

    What’s missing:

    • Does not end corporate constitutional rights under 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments
    • Does not end political money equals protected speech under 1st Amendment

    Side-by-Side Comparison: Move to Amend's We The People Amendment, (HJR 48) and the Democracy for All Amendment (HJR 1 / SJR 25) - 2 page handout

    Schiff Amendment Proposal

    • Introduced on March 24, 2022 in the Senate by Sen. Adam Schiff (CA)
    • Read the text and explanation here: H.J.R. 80
    • Organizations involved: ??

    What it does:

    • Asserts that Congress or the states have the right to impose reasonable limits on private campaign contributions or independent election expenditures or can enact systems of public campaign financing to offset campaign spending or independent expenditures

    What’s missing:

    • Does not end political money equals protected speech under 1st Amendment
    • Does not end corporate constitutional rights under 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments

    Tester Amendment Proposal

    • Introduced on March 15, 2021 in the Senate by Sen. Jon Tester (MT)
    • Read the text and explanation here: S.J. Res. 11
    • Organizations involved: Free Speech for People

    What it does:

    • Asserts that corporations are not people

    What’s missing:

    • Does not address political money equals protected speech under 1st Amendment
    • Does not address campaign spending 

    Click here to read Move to Amend's proposed amendment that will clearly establish that money is not speech, a corporation is not a person, all corporations are subject to regulation, all campaign contributions will be disclosed and allows for no loopholes. Our amendment will put people in charge of our government, and corporations in their proper place.






  • published A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PLAN in Virginia News 2023-01-26 09:00:42 -0800


    By Kenneth Boche

    With continuing threats to our democracy, we must consider what Constitutional changes can help us live up to the Pledge of Allegiance which virtually all U.S. citizens have promised: “…liberty and justice for all.”

    With the costs, plus the greed for power, that control our elections, individuals are discouraged from voting by gerrymandering, by restricted voting times, and by drop-off and mail-in ballot options. This discrimination does not align with “…liberty and justice for all.” 

    During our country’s founding, “We the people” meant “living humans.” When the “robber barons” invented corporations to build railroads and other industries, those corporations had limited lifetimes. Now, corporations are chartered forever, so they are, obviously, not “real people.”

    The first step toward more equitable constitutional changes is to pass the amendment that reaffirms “people” to mean living humans as our Founders intended. Included in that amendment is “Money is not free speech.” Our Founders reserved “free speech” for living individuals.

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  • Will you resolve in the New Year to further democracy by ending corporate rule?

    The East India Company was founded on this date in 1600. It was chartered (i.e. licensed) by the British Crown to trade in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia and later with East Asia. It eventually became the largest corporation on earth.

    East India Company flag, 180

    The company achieved not only its main purpose of facilitating economic trade (involving spices, tea, silk, opium… and slaves). It was also given the authority to colonize and rule. The corporation was in essence the government over large parts of India that extended British imperialism with the capacity to administer laws and collect taxes. It had its own army that was twice the size of the British force to enforce laws and to quell popular uprisings. 


    On this "corporate rule" anniversary, please make a New Year’s resolution to (re)commit to working together to affirm our rights over corporate "rights." Start by generously contributing to our end-of-year financial match drive. We urgently need to reach our goal to start 2023 on a strong footing.


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  • What we’ve accomplished…because of you!

    We are under no illusions. Amending the U.S. Constitution is enormously challenging. 

    It’s only been done 27 times before, including the first 10 (the Bill of Rights) all at once. It’s perceived as not as important or urgent as working on (insert here scores of options). 

    The reality is a large majority of our current problems and crises will not be fundamentally solved simply by having better elected officials passing better laws, enacting better regulations or making better executive decisions. Not when the foundational rules of our society (which our constitution defines) favor corporate rights over human rights and permit the political voices of those with money to drown out the voices of most of us. 

    That's why changing/amending the U.S. Constitution is inescapable. We must democratize our ground rules. U.S history shows that fundamental constitutional change only happens alongside fundamental cultural change – that is, educating and organizing to challenge both the credibility and inevitability of the status quo, as well as the necessity to form a broad grassroots movement for structural change – to make what seems impossible to be accepted as necessary and inevitable. 

    Here’s a sampling of what we’ve accomplished together this year and cumulatively at the end of 2022 toward these ends:

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  • The Bill of Rights are NOT corporate rights

    The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, was ratified today in 1791. It is perhaps the constitution’s broadest and most famous and honored portion, particularly the First Amendment.

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  • WE are the people who ought to govern the country

    John Jay, the First Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was born on this day in 1745.

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  • ACTION ALERT: Oppose efforts to weaken direct democracy via citizen-initiatives in Ohio

    Secretary of State Frank LaRose and State Rep. Brian Stewart recently announced an effort to change the Ohio Constitution in order to make it harder for Ohio citizens to successfully pass ballot initiatives. House Joint Resolution 6 (HJR6) is a power grab, plain and simple. It is unnecessary, unfair, unpopular, and undemocratic. 

    A broad coalition of groups is organizing to stop this attack on direct democracy in its tracks. 


    1. The proposal may be voted on next week by a committee and the entire House. Tell your Ohio House Representative you oppose this undemocratic proposal. Find your House member (and contact information) HERE

    2. Attend a statewide Rally for Democracy!, Tuesday, December 13, 2022, 11:15 AM, Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215. Details HERE

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  • Watch the new short video on the We the People Amendment, narrated by Peter Coyote

    What’s new, short, informative and calls for immediate action?

    It’s our new 4½ minute video on the need to enact the We the People Amendment!

    click on image

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  • Halloween is over but the connections between inflation & corporations remain haunting

    There’s no single cause of inflation. Among the past and current factors are the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and the war in Ukraine.

    Corporate actions also contribute to inflation. These are four ways corporations and inflation are related – not all of which are economic.

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  • What to expect from the U.S. Supreme Court and Move to Amend

    The 2022-23 Supreme Court term began on October 3. 

    Since John Roberts became Chief Justice in 2005, the “Roberts Court” has made numerous decisions undermining democracy and basic rights on voting, partisan gerrymandering and campaign finance, reversing decades of work by prior Courts. This includes Citizens United v. FEC in 2010.

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  • published Initial Signatories in About 2022-10-13 11:36:46 -0700

    Initial Signatories

    Move to Amend launched publicly on January 21, 2010 upon the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United. The individuals listed below signed the original "Motion to Amend":

    We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, and move to amend our Constitution to:

    • Firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
    • Guarantee the right to vote and to participate, and to have our vote and participation count.
    • Protect local communities, their economies, and democracies against illegitimate "preemption" actions by global, national, and state governments.

    Initial Signatories:

    Adrienne Maree Brown, Ruckus Society
    Alec Loorz, Kids vs Global Warming
    Andrew Kimbrell, International Center for Technology Assessment
    Andy Gussert, National Trade Activist
    Anne Feeney, musician
    Baldemar Velasquez, President, Farm Labor Organizing Committee
    Ben Manski, attorney, Exec. Director, Liberty Tree
    Benno Friedman, photographer
    Benson Scotch, former Staff Counsel to Sen. Leahy, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee
    Bill Fletcher, Exec. Editor,
    Bill McKibben, founder, and Third Act
    Bill Moyer, Backbone Campaign
    Brad Friedman, Publisher, The BRAD BLOG
    Bill Scheurer, Editor of PeaceMajority Report
    Brad Thacker, Be The Change USA
    Brett Bursey, Exec. Director, South Carolina Progressive Network
    Brett Kimberlin, Director, Justice Through Music
    Brian McLaren, Christian activist & author
    Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
    Carl Davidson, Progressive America Rising
    Carolyn Oppenheim, Shays 2
    Carolyn Raffensberger, Exec. Director, Science & Environmental Health Network
    Charlie Cray, Center for Corporate Policy
    Chris Kromm, Executive Director, Institute for Southern Studies
    Dal LaMagna, founder, Tweezerman, Inc.
    Dave Wells, formerly Board of Directors, Sierra Club
    David Cobb, initiator of 2004 Ohio Recount
    David Gespass, president, National Lawyers Guild
    David Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World
    David Rovics, musician
    David Swanson,
    David Wells, Jr., Nashville Urban Harvest
    Dean Myerson, Executive Director, Green Institute
    Deborah Mokma, Publisher of Sentient Times
    Diane Wittner & Margaret Flowers, Chesapeake Citizens
    Dr. Jill Stein, candidate for Governor of Massachusetts
    Ed Garvey, attorney at law, editor,
    Emily Levy, Velvet Revolution
    Fran Korten, Editor, YES! Magazine
    Frank Arundel, activist
    Gary Zuckett, WV Citizen Action
    George Friday, National Coordinator, IPPN
    George Martin, United for Peace & Justice
    Georgia Kelly, Praxis Peace Institute
    Glen Ford, Executive Editor,
    Greg Coleridge, NE OH American Friends Service Committee
    Howard Zinn, historian
    Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation
    James Gustave Speth, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Demos
    Jan Edwards, writer
    Jane Anne Morris, author, Gaveling Down The Rabble
    Jeff Cohen, founder, FAIR
    Jeff Milchen, founder,
    Jeffrey Short, Ph.D., Pacific Science Director, OCEANA
    Jerome Scott, League of Revolutionaries for a New America
    James M. Cullen, editor of The Progressive Populist
    Jill Bussiere & Sanda Everette, Co-Chairs, Green Party of the U.S.
    Jim Hightower, author, columnist, and radio commentator
    Joan Russow, PhD Global Compliance Research Project
    Joel Bleifuss, Editor & Publisher, In These Times
    John E. Peck, Executive Director, Family Farm Defenders
    John Nichols, Washington Correspondent, The Nation
    John Rensenbrink, President, Green Horizon Foundation
    John Stauber, author, Weapons of Mass Deception
    Jonathan Frieman, Co-founder, Center for Corporate Policy
    Jonathan Tasini, candidate, U.S. Senate, NY
    Josh Healey, Youth Speaks Josh Lerner, The New School for Social Research
    Josh Silver, Executive Director, Free Press
    Judith Pedersen-Benn, Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community
    Kai Huschke, Envision Spokane
    Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County
    Karen Dolan, Cities for Progress
    Katherine Forrest, MD; Co-Founder, Commonweal Institute
    Ken Reiner, inventor and founder, Kaynar Corp.
    Kevin Danaher, Executive Co-Producer, Green Festivals
    Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, TrueVote.US
    Leah Bolger, CDR, USN (Ret), Bring the Guard Home! It's the Law.
    Lewis Pitts, Lawyer, Legal Aid of NC
    Lisa Graves, Executive Director, Center for Media and Democracy
    Lori Price, Managing Editor, Citizens for Legitimate Government
    Luis A. Cuevas, National Director, Progressive Push
    Makani Themba-Nixon, Executive Director, The Praxis Project
    Margo Baldwin, Publisher, Chelsea Green
    Mark Crispin Miller, author, Fooled Again
    Mary Zepernick, Program on Corporations Law and Democracy
    Marybeth Gardam, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
    Matt Nelson, Just Cause
    Matt Rothschild, Editor, The Progressive
    Maya Schenwar & Matt Renner, Truthout
    Medea Benjamin, co-founder, Code Pink
    Michael Albert, Z Communications
    Michael Bonnano, OpEdNews
    Michael Marx, Corporate Ethics International
    Michael Shuman, attorney, economic, author of "The Small-Mart Revolution"
    Mike Ferner, President, Veterans for Peace
    Mike McCabe, Executive Director, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
    Mimi Kennedy, actress, activist
    Miriam Simos, Starhawk, activist and writer
    Nancy Price, co-chair, Alliance for Democracy
    Nick Pavloff, Jr., Gulf of Alaska Aleut from Kodiak Island
    Norman Solomon, author, co-chair, Healthcare Not Warfare campaign
    Patrick Reinsborough, SmartMeme
    Paul Saginaw, founder, Zingerman's, Inc.
    Prof. Peter Gabel, School of Law, New College of California
    Prof. Victor Wallis, Managing Editor, Socialism & Democracy
    Rabbi Arthur Waskow
    Rabbi Michael Lerner
    Rep. Michael Fisher, House of Representatives, Vermont
    Rev. Edward Pinkney, Black Autonomy Network Community Organization
    Rev. Lennox Yearwood, President, Hip Hop Caucus
    Richard Mazess, Prof. Medical Physics, UW-Madison, CEO of Lunar Corp & Bone Care Intl.
    Riki Ott, Executive Director, Ultimate Civics
    Robert McChesney, professor, co-author, The Death and Life of American Journalism
    Ronnie Cummins, founder, Grassroots Netroots Alliance
    Sally Castleman, Election Defense Alliance
    Sam Smith, Editor, Progressive Review
    Sarah Manski, CEO,
    Shahid Buttar, Rule of Law Institute
    Ted Glick, climate change activist
    Ted Nace, author, Gangs of America: The Rise of Corporate Power
    Theo Yang Copey, activist
    Thom Hartmann, nation's #1 nationally syndicated progressive talk show host
    Tia Oros & Christopher Peters, Seventh Generation Fund for Indian Development
    Tiffiniy Cheng, Executive Director, A New Way Forward
    Tim Carpenter, Executive Director, Progressive Democrats of America
    Tom Hayden, activist
    Ward Morehouse, chair, National Lawyers Guild's Committee on Corporations

    * organizations listed for identification purposes only

  • We're no longer working to introduce the 28th Amendment

    Did we get your attention? 

    The title suggests that we’ve ended our support for the We the People Amendment (HJR48).

    Nothing could be further from the truth!

    We continue to educate, advocate and organize wholeheartedly to pass the We the People Amendment to end political corruption due to money spent in elections that’s protected constitutionally as “free speech” and to end all forms of corporate rule due to corporations that’s protected constitutionally as “persons.” Both constitutional doctrines are bizarre and need to be abolished as essential steps toward We the People having the power to create policies that benefit us all, our communities and to ensure a livable world. 

    However, from this point forward, National Move to Amend will no longer refer to HJR48 as the “proposed 28th Amendment.” 


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  • Ending Dark Money in Elections is a Start

    Elections are not only about candidates and issues. They’re also, as always, about money. BIG money. 

    It’s estimated that total spending on the November midterm elections will top $9.3 billion, which will surpass the midterm record of $7.1 billion in 2018. 

    Political donations are made directly to candidate committees, organizations like political parties that donate to candidates, Political Action Committees (PACs), and Super PACS. They’re also made to “social welfare” organizations and trade associations, which by law don’t have to disclose individual or corporate/organizational donors. This “dark money” that shields donors is used to wage outside “independent” (i.e. not supposed to be coordinated with the candidates that they are supporting) campaigns –  most of which are used to fund distorting “issue” attack ads. Dark money spending is soaring in elections. Though difficult to compute, it’s estimated that dark money groups received $2 billion to $4 billion during the 2008 to 2018 election cycles.”

    Last week, Senate Republicans blocked efforts to pass the DISCLOSE Act, which would have forced the disclosure of corporate and billionaire donors of dark money sources. Earlier this month, however, the Democratic National Committee panel refused to allow a vote on banning dark money in democratic primary campaigns – despite an onslaught on dark money that flooded into democratic primary campaigns targeting more progressive candidates. 

    This comes on the heels of the massive $1.6 billion donation by a secretive Chicago industrialist to a non-profit run by Leonard Leo, the architect of the right-wing takeover of the federal courts – some of which will be spent on elections.

    Passing the DISCLOSE Act in Congress and a DNC ban on dark money in primary elections were missed opportunities. Both should happen next year. 

    The right to know the funding sources of political ads is a democratic necessity. But transparency by itself means little if mega wealthy individuals and corporate entities that don’t represent the interests of the vast majority of people are all the political voices we hear.

    Yes, “dark” money is a big problem. But so is “light” money.

    The never-ending increase in election spending – be it “dark” money or from sources we well know, is due to the decades-long constitutional ruling that political spending in elections by individuals and organizations is “free speech,” protected by the First Amendment. Abolishing “money is speech” is one part of HJR48, the We the People Amendment that with your help has secured, to date, 94 Congressional co-sponsors. 

    Yet, democracy is more than elections. It’s also about governing – the right to decide policies, plans and programs. 

    Abolishing “dark money” spending and even “money as speech” only impacts elections. Having more representative representatives by itself isn’t enough if they are limited or boxed in by constitutional limitations preventing them from improving people’s lives and communities.

    Corporate rule would remain potent even without First Amendment “free speech” rights due to the corporate hijacking of Constitutional Amendments that were intended to apply exclusively to human beings.

    Democratically enacted policies, plans and programs by representative representatives (or directly by individuals via ballot initiatives), for example, seeking to:

    √ Label harmful ingredients on food packaging have been overturned in court as a violation of corporate First Amendment “right” not to speak

    √ Ensure safe working conditions through regulatory inspections have been overturned in court as a violation of corporate Fourth Amendment search and seizure “rights.”

    √ Favor local businesses over chain stores have been overturned in court as a violation of corporate Fourteenth Amendment equal protection “rights.” 

    √ Saving the climate by forcing fossil fuels to be kept in the ground and not burned could be overturned in court as a violation of corporate Fifth Amendment takings “rights.”

    For these reasons, ALL corporate constitutional rights – not just First Amendment free speech – must end, as stipulated in the #WeThePeopleAmendment. 

    It’s not just dark money. It’s money as speech. 

    It’s not just elections. It’s governing –  the right to decide – which is unattainable so long as corporations possess constitutional rights. 


    Shelly, George, Leila, Daniel, Saleem, Jessica, Joni, Milly, Keyan, Jason, Jennie, Tara, Alfonso & Greg

    - Move to Amend National Team


  • Letter: Public invited to speak about money in politics at Democracy Day hearing in Kent

    Record Courier / Kent, Ohio / Sept 25, 2022

    Democracy Day public hearing

    Our election system is broken because of the destructive influences of money in politics and the misguided notion that corporations may claim constitutional rights. With these rights, they are able to spend tremendous amounts of dark money through organizations and PACs to support the candidates who will serve their needs. And their primary need is profit. While profits are essential in a capitalist system, the needs of “we the people” should be primary since we are also a democracy.

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  • The September 11 Lesson on Creating Change

    Much will be said, remembered and commemorated on this day, the 21st anniversary of the tragedies on September 11, 2001.

    While there are many lessons from what happened prior to, during and following that day, there’s one take-a-way that should never be forgotten: the political and economic power elite never lets a tragedy, catastrophe or crisis go to waste to further attempt to increase their political and/or economic dominance. 

    In the case of September 11, a major success in this vein was the Patriot Act, passed soon afterwards to supposedly enhance “national security” to catch “terrorists,” specifically Middle Eastern Muslims inside the United States. While some of its provisions were intended to address problems that predated 9/11, most of the others allowed the government to more easily and effectively violate the privacy rights of innocent citizens and residents. These included tracking the activities of people on the Internet, compiling credit and bank records and expanding the monitoring of phone and email communications. September 11 was just a pretext by the government to enact unprecedented violations of civil rights and surveillance expansion that were labeled as “un-American” prior to 9/11.

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  • Video: Dennis Kucinich on Pulling the Plug on FirstEnergy Corporation

    FirstEnergy’s headquarters in Akron. Source: Google Maps.

    August 23, 2022

    Presentation by and discussion with Dennis Kucinich

    Former Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio State Senator, U.S. Congressperson and Presidential Candidate

    Author of The Division of Light and Power

    Sponsored by Ohio Move to Amend

    [email protected]


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  • Build Solidarity with Unions this Labor Day

    Labor Day is a terrific opportunity for Move to Amenders to make personal and issue connections with working members of Labor Unions and other working people. Many fundamental rights and protections of working people (e.g. the weekend, 8-hour work day, collective bargaining, end of child labor, employer-based health coverage, workplace safety) came into being because working people organized powerful movements that created positive change.

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  • A Movement Coopted - Going beyond a “Citizens United Amendment”

    It's happening again...

    You may have received a recent mailing from a national group calling for reversing the 2010 Citizens United vs FEC Supreme Court decision. Enclosed was this U.S. map showing by state the number of communities that have passed resolutions, in this case, supporting a “Citizens United Amendment.” 

    The number of resolutions totals more than 800.

    The map is extremely misleading. It gives the impression that the resolutions primarily address Citizens United


    The reality is that the vast majority of the passed resolutions by municipal governments and citizens at the ballot box affirm that the rights protected under the U.S. Constitution are the rights of natural persons only or end corporate constitutional rights or corporate personhood and some variation that money spent in elections is not First Amendment-protected free speech. Most don’t directly mention Citizens United. 

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Greg Coleridge

Greg Coleridge

Democracy, justice and peace organizer; Move to Amend Outreach Director; Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy Principal
Follow on Twitter: @GregColeridge
Find us on Facebook: Greg Coleridge
Support Move to Amend:
Volunteer Sign the Motion to Amend