Walk for Peace, Planet, Justice, and Democracy!

In the tradition and spirit of the many wonderful long-distance walks for peace, Veterans For Peace has initiated a National Project to begin May 7, 2024, and walk from Maine to arrive in Washington, DC, in July. We’ll be walking for the wellbeing of all people, for peace and an end to the threat of nuclear war and all wars, and for an environment that supports all life. PeaceWalk 2024 will be open to all who love peace and want to walk for it. Folks can join the walk for as little or as long as they wish.

This walk is dedicated to the memory of Daniel Ellsberg, the man who released the Pentagon Papers and exposed the lies that Americans were being told about the Vietnam War. Dan spent nearly every waking hour of the next five decades working for peace and trying to prevent nuclear war. Shortly before he died last year at age 92, he wrote, “The current risk of nuclear war, over Ukraine, is as great as the world has ever seen.” We need to heed his words. 

Starting May 7, we’re walking
from Maine to Washington, DC, for
peace and planet, justice and democracy.

Join us!

Check out this vide VRP video and listen to a Veteran speaks TRUTH about war and government (youtube.com)

May 07, 2024 at 12:00am -
Starting in Maine, arriving in Washington DC

Will you come?

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