Tuesday, February 22, 2022 | 5:30 pm PT, 8:30 pm PT

Target candidates for local, state and federal office to get their positions on record per the We the People Amendment and make this an election issue.

2022 goal: 1000 Pledge to Amend signups (at least 50% of candidates elected on election day).

Become empowered! Learn how to research, approach and recruit candidates to take "The Pledge"!


  • Jeff Clark, Minnesota Move to Amend State Network -- to "go to" group which has been THE most effective recruiters of candidate pledgers
  • Jessica Munger, National Co-Director, Move to Amend

The Pledge to Amend states:

I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation.

This is the first online training opportunity in 2022 to connect with Move to Amend, learn about organizing tools and campaign opportunities, and to connect with other MTA community organizers across the country.

All are welcome - no past experience required!

Watch the recording here: 


February 22, 2022 at 5:30pm - 7pm
Milly Harmon ·
Jim Krzmarzick Loree Byers Steven Norris Deanville Celestine Beverly Churchill Robert Williams Carol Lizotte Larry Hamilton Scott Menzies Joan Waddell David B. Chandler jeffrey vena Stacey Webb Susan Kirchmyer Jrmar Jefferson Alfonso Saldana Thomas Brown Steve Mohler Joanna Welch Andrew Griffith pamella gronemeyer Melinda Gale Lisa Sobomehin Judy K Smucker tarak kauff Kathy Mcglone Dennis Slotnick Victoria Hager Karley Enger Denise Massey Colin Clark Jon McFarlane Sharon Geiser Rebecca Haynes Bob Krasen Doug Brown Lisa Dekker Johanna Northcutt Michael Aaron Karsh Ryan Shank Ryan Miller Fred Morrison Carol Kuschke jill harmer Satinath Choudhary Werner Lange Fanny Effler Barbara Savey

Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

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