Ask our California Senate Candidates to sponsor Senate Version HJR 54
To get our We The People amendment passed, we need a Senate Companion Bill to HJR 54.
Who better to ask than our California Senate Candidates.
Please add your signature below to the letters asking just that! Let’s show our support to keep our democracy intact.
Click links to read the letters.
Senate Candidate Garvey Letter
Senate Candidate Schiff Letter
Michael Aaron Karsh signed The Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act - Support AB 83 2024-01-08 17:19:42 -0800
The Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act - Support AB 83
Citizens United opened a loophole: Foreign governments, foreign businesses and foreign individuals can invest in U.S. corporations, and those corporations can spend unlimited amounts from their corporate treasuries on U.S. elections.
The clock is now ticking with less than a month to pass AB 83, The Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act out of the Assembly!
AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act, (add your name below) closes the loophole that allows foreign money to pour into California campaigns, candidates, political parties, PACs, Super-PACS and ballot measures “indirectly", undermining our capacity for self-governance...
When the U.S. Supreme Court decided that corporations could spend unlimited amounts of money from their corporate treasuries in U.S. elections (Citizens United v FEC, 2010), they justified the decision by saying that U.S. corporations were “associations of citizens.”
However, over 40% of all the shares held in US corporations are held by foreign investors, not U.S. citizens, living outside of the U.S. These corporations then spend millions in California elections, even though U.S. election law stipulates that no foreign money is allowed in U.S. elections, contributed either “directly or indirectly.”
Citizens United opened a loophole: Foreign governments, foreign businesses and foreign individuals can invest in U.S. corporations, and those corporations can spend unlimited amounts from their corporate treasuries on U.S. elections.
AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act, closes the loophole that allows foreign money to pour into California campaigns, candidates, political parties, PACs, Super-PACS and ballot measures “indirectly", undermining our capacity for self-governance.
Earlier this year, Minnesota closed the loophole, prohibiting multinational corporations from spending money on state elections. We can do the same in California. Multinational influence is a threat to U.S. sovereignty and to our national security – international interests can easily, and often do, diverge from U.S. interests. There should not be any foreign money in our elections.
Join us in support of AB 83 and urge the California Assembly to pass this legislation and close this loophole immediately.
Sign now in support of AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act.
Move the 118th Congress to Amend Campaign
Our campaign goal is to secure 100 co-sponsorships for the #WeThePeopleAmendment before the end of 2024.
To achieve this goal, we suggest starting with the closest Representative to you and recruiting constituents in that District to hold a meeting with their target Representative (or their legislative staff). Sign up below to get started!
Read the Dear Colleague Letter from Rep. Jayapal, Lead Sponsor for The We the People Amendment here.
Also, check out the Press Release: Jayapal Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Reverse Citizens.
If you do not know who your representative is, go to: Find Your Representative | house.gov
Here's what you'll need to do:
- Choose which Representative you're focusing on (see below for the target list, or if your Rep isn't on the campaign target list you can elect to lobby them instead)
- Recruit 3-5 constituents to join you for the meeting.
- Schedule the meeting (a Move to Amend national organizer will join you for this meeting)
- Organize a prep call to prepare.
- Hold the meeting and ask your Representative to co-sponsor.
- Follow up
- If they don't sign on, time to escalate your tactics! We will help you plan an appropriate action from bombarding their office with phone calls, to organizing a letter-writing campaign to dropping in at their house with Move to Amend petitions! We will work together to decide on any appropriate escalation.
We have provided you with all the tools and resources needed as well as organizing support. You will find the easy step-by-step instructions linked at the bottom of the page. Expect that this effort will take 2-5 hours a week.
Sign up below, then get started!
Campaign Launch Webinar
Campaign Resources
***Click on each task for related templates and instructions.
STEP 2 -- Recruit 3-5 Constituents to Commit to Join a Meeting with the Representative
- Send an email blast to the Move to Amend list asking people to sign up for the meeting
- Recruit your friends and neighbors through social media, email or text messaging
- Phonebank or text bank the Move to Amend list to ask people to commit to joining the meeting
STEP 3 -- Schedule the Meeting
STEP 4 -- Prepare for the Meeting
- Watch the August Recess Lobby Training recording!
- Post the meeting date and time to the Move to Amend website to help promote
- Review background information about the #WeThePeopleAmendment
- Line up a Move to Amend national organizer to join you for the meeting
- Hold a prep call to review meeting roles and make sure you are each clear on what you'll say and how to make sure to get to the ask
- Send a blast to constituents on the Move to Amend list a few days in advance to ensure the office gets calls to put the #WeThePeopleAmendment on their radar before your meeting
STEP 5 -- Hold the Meeting
- Follow an agenda because you'll only have 20-30 minutes
- Take good notes, keep track of any questions you get that you can't answer on the spot and commit to following up with the answer(s)
- Enter the details and notes to the Move to Amend national database
- Make a clear ask: Will you co-sponsor the #WeThePeopleAmendment?
STEP 6 -- Follow up!
- Send a thank-you email with any info requests to the staffer(s) and mail a thank you note to the Representative
- Send email blasts to constituents on the Move to Amend list asking them to call each week to keep the pressure up
- In 2 weeks send an email and/or call the office and ask for a response. Be persistent! Keep trying every 2-3 days until you get a response
STEP 7 -- Celebrate or Escalate!
- Often this is all it takes, especially for Representatives who agree with our goals. But if you don't have a commitment yet it is time to escalate your tactics. We will work with you to determine how to escalate appropriately, from stepping up the phone calls, to organizing a letter-writing campaign, to car parades around their office, to delivering Move to Amend petitions to their home, and more!
Ready to Sign Up?
Michael Aaron Karsh commented on Contact Us 2020-08-05 18:44:17 -0700I did not see a recording of the webinar for Tuesday, August 4, 2020 on the website. Can you send a copy of the recording to me?
Contact Us
Thanks for your feedback.
Please use the form below to send us your question or comment. We try to respond to all inquiries if possible, as quickly as we can.
We are currently receiving several hundred emails each week. Thank you for your patience.
You can also call our main office at (916) 318-8040.
For donation-related inquiries, please visit the Donation Support Page.
MOVE TO AMEND AFFILIATES -- Remember that you should email the affiliate support address with questions in order to get a priority response.
Thank you,
The Move to Amend Team
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