Justice John Paul Stevens Dissents! is about the Republican Supreme Court Justice speaking his mind about Citizens United, and the corruptive potential of unregulated corporate spending in political campaigns.
Written by Jim Allison
I have a deep passion and focus on environmental and social justice issues. This organizing leads me to collaborate with various intersectional grassroots movements building for a just and sustainable future.
The power reaped from the insane notion of corporate constitutional rights exists in tandem with structural oppression and environmental degradation and is found as a cause of so many injustices. Move to Amend and the #WeThePeopleAmendment strikes at the root of that reality.
Justice John Paul Stevens Dissents! is about the Republican Supreme Court Justice speaking his mind about Citizens United, and the corruptive potential of unregulated corporate spending in political campaigns.
Written by Jim Allison
This is a list of things to think about in preparing a workshop for the MEETS to Amend tour.
___ Before publicity: make sure that the date and time do not conflict with related events.
___ General media: Newspapers, Radio, Cable, TV
___ Targeted media: Agency newsletters, Church bulletins, Schools, etc.
___ Word of mouth to friends and co-workers
___ Flyers, brochures
___ Emails to targeted populations
Room requirements and arrangements
___ Make sure that date and time do not conflict with other events at the facility
___ Reservation confirmed
___ Arrangement for key(s)
___ Adequate space
___ Right number of tables
___ Right number of chairs
___ Projector that can connect to an Apple computer
___ Projector screen
___ Adequate lighting
___ Temperature control and ventilation
___ Access to restrooms
___ Access to refrigeration (if necessary for food)
___ Access to Parking
___ Trash-cans
___ Coat racks
Information to Send Participants
___ Time
___ Address and directions to building and room
___ Parking facilities
___ What to bring (food? forms? notebook?)
___ What to wear
___ Smoking policy
___ What will be provided (coffee? juice? snacks?)
___ Agenda
___ Number to call if problems or questions
___ Facilities for those who are disabled?
___ Whether or not reservations/RSVP are required, and if so, by when
What to bring
___ Key(s)
___ Handouts (including extras)
___ Extra pencils/pens
___ Watch or Clock
___ Whiteboard / Chalkboard / Flip chart & easel
___ Markers and/or chalk
___ Nametags
___ Money, if change needs to be made
___ Arrow signs to point to room
___ Snack food and drink, and cups, napkins, etc.
___ Trash-bags, if needed
___ Roster of attendees if asking for RSVP in advance
___ A copy of this list so you can check off things as you put them away after the event is over.
Room Set-up
___ Registration table
___ Exhibit table(s)
___ Placement of chairs
___ Distribute handouts, name tags, pencils (or have ready at registration table.)
When it's over
___ Evaluations
___ Thank-yous
___ Check off materials as you put them in box
___ Return equipment
___ Take out trash
___ Turn off lights, etc.
___ Return key(s)
___ Pat yourself on the back!
In most cases, our workshop presenters will need host housing. We would greatly appreciate it if you or a member of your group could provide a room for them. We are depending on your generosity and support to make this tour a success.
Here's what we are looking for at each location:
___ One room
___ A shower and/or bathtub
___ Close to the location of the workshop (not required, but preferred)
___ Wireless internet (not required, but preferred)
___ A kitchen that is available for food preparation (not required, but preferred)
___ Available laundry facilities (not required, but preferred)
___ Driveway parking (not required, but preferred)
For more information or assistance contact us at (707) 269-0984 or [email protected](link sends e-mail).
Learn about Move to Amend's call to action for the 4th of July this year. Educate and mobilize your community to declare your independence from corporate rule and grow the movement.
These online trainings are an opportunity for folks to connect with Move to Amend and learn about organizing tools and campaign opportunities, and to connect with other MTA community organizers across the country.
All are welcome - no past experience required!
Minimum Technology Requirements
Shadows of Democracy is a collaborative film project between the producers behind the documentaries The Corporation, Shadows of Liberty, and Move to Amend's Legalize Democracy. takes the best of each of these three films into a short one-hour documentary highlighting the nature of corporate power, the absurdity of corporate personhood, and more about the grassroots movement to amend the Constitution to end corporate rule.
Click here to view and print a handout to go along with the film!
Legalize Democracy is a short documentary about Move to Amend, the national grassroots campaign to amend the US Constitution to unequivocally state that corporations are not people and money is not speech. This documentary details a history of Supreme Court decisions that gave corporations constitutionally protected rights and established that money is free speech.
Shadows of Liberty reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover-ups and corporate control. Filmmaker Jean-Philippe Tremblay takes a journey through the darker corridors of the US media, where global conglomerates call the shots, tracing the story of media manipulation through the years to pose a crucial question: why have we let a handful of powerful corporations write the news?
The Corporation explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Taking its status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" The Corporation includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics - including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change.
Pay 2 Play: Democracy's High Stakes examines how corporations have taken over our democracy as he follows outsiders using their voice to change the game in American politics. He ventures through high drama on the Ohio campaign trail, uncovers the secret history of America’s favorite game, and explores the underworld of Los Angeles street art in a humorous odyssey that reveals how much of a difference one person can make.
The Story of Citizens United v. FEC: Why Democracy Only Works When People Are in Charge: 8-minute video explaining the highlights of why corporation shouldn't have constitutional rights. Oversimplifies things a bit by focusing so much on the Citizens United decision (it wasn't like things were working so well before!) but a great introduction to the issue and starting point for discussion.
Food Inc: The global food production business, controlled primarily by a handful of multinational corporations, has large quantities of food at low direct inputs (most often subsidized) resulting in enormous profits, which in turn results in greater control of the global supply of food sources within these few companies. Health and safety are often overlooked by the companies, and are often overlooked by the government in an effort to provide cheap food regardless of these negative consequences.
Speaking Freely: Vol. 1: John Perkins: John Perkins, a former “economic hit man”, discusses the influence the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had on Third World countries as he convinced them to take on large -scale public works projects. These types of projects, funded by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), have served to enrich U.S. corporations while enslaving Third World countries into further debt.
Thirst: This film shows the anger and frustration people all over the world are encountering as corporations and governments try to privatize water. The quality and costs to the public are damaging, while profit is concentrated in the hands of few. The World Bank and MNCs issue billion-dollar contracts to governments to privatize water, while the costs fall on the local people and the land. Big Hydro projects disrupt the ecology and bring water prices to soaring costs, stealing the water from the hands of the people- violating basic human rights.
Ingredients: Community sustainable farming is an alternative approach to commercial farming. This local-based farming system provides quality fresh produce to local communities within the area. This approach to commercial farming cuts energy and oil costs, which accounts for 1/5 of our energy and oil use. Sustainable farming grows higher yields, is friendly to the health and ecology of the land, and grows what’s in season. This way of farming promotes biodiversity and a break from the industrial food system and fossil fuel dependence.
Frontline Heat: Through industrialization, multinational corporations and western influence are drastically impacting climate change. Loyal to their shareholders, CEOs ignore regulations and guidelines that reduce CO2 emissions and continue practices that harm the environment and contribute to global warming. Because congress is embedded with the corporations, regulatory agencies are inefficient in enforcing reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Auto companies lobby congress heavily to keep EPA standards low, continuing the same destructive political system that enhances the rich and suppresses the poor.
The End of Poverty?: This film discusses the truth of our global economics and the system’s failure as a whole. It breaks down the capitalistic methods, which only perpetuate poverty and increase the wealth for few, while enhancing the U.S economy and Global Transnational Corporations that profit off the labor of third world countries.
The Inside Job: This film looks at those responsible for our financial crisis in 2008. It illustrates the power of our financial sector and its ability to manipulate the market for short-term profit, while compromising the lives of millions. The practices set in place by private financial institutions cost millions of people their jobs and homes.
Life and Debt: This film analyzes the unfair practices of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. It reveals the truth behind their enslaving loans, which only further a country into increasing debt by placing restrictions and regulations on their exported goods while lowering trade tariffs on imported goods. This creates unfair competition in the country’s markets, for foreign goods sold cheaper than local commodities outsell local businesses putting markets out of competition weakening the economy.
The 11th Hour: This film reveals the destructive impact man-kind is having on planet earth. Through our dependence of carbon-stored energy a.k.a fossil fuels, we no longer rely on current sunlight to produce our goods and materials; instead, we pollute the air and environment disrupting our global homeostasis- triggering global warming- all in the name of profit. Corporate interests and agendas are the main contributors to global warming. Their disregard for the environment and social responsibility to the people and ecosystems perpetuate the current state we’re in.
The War on Democracy: Venezuela, one of the many nations impoverished by U.S corporations and capitalistic greed, fought back for their rights through unity and dedication of the local people. Hugo Chavez, the leader for the people by the people of Venezuela, kicked out U.S interests, overthrew the elite ruling democracy, and established an independent sovereign nation free from the western threat of corporatocracy and imperialism.
Learn about our "2011 Declare Your Independence from Corporate Rule!" campaign that we'll be organizing for the 4th of July and how you can participate in your community. We offer creative ideas (that can be used at events year-round) like how to orchestrate a corporate wedding, walk an "I Miss Democracy" patriotic princess in a parade, make a float for a 4th of July parade, and more!
These online trainings are an opportunity for folks to connect with Move to Amend and learn about organizing tools and campaign opportunities, and to connect with other MTA community organizers across the country.
To register for upcoming webinars, visit us at: https://movetoamend.org/webinars
All are welcome - no past experience required! :)
(Due to outdated third-party technology made prior to June 2013, there's nothing we can do about the audio quality. All of our latest webinars are recorded with newer technology that provides better quality.)
These days a lot of people use Social Media like Facebook and Twitter. Including outreach in these arenas will help spread the word about your event in an important way. Keep in mind that phone calls are still the most effective way to reach people, but using social media and email can help create a buzz about your event, especially with a younger audience.
Invite everyone you’re connected to on Facebook. Using your personal Facebook profile, create a Facebook event invitation. This invitation will be the home base for getting people excited about your event.
a) When? Insert the date and start time of your choice.
b) What are you planning? Use a catchy title, provocative question, or funny pun to make your event memorable. For example:
c) Where? Don’t just put the street address, make sure people know that you’re making the extra effort to host the event because you really believe in this cause. Add a line like, “At my house, because I want to be there when this gets started!” Then add your street address or other instructions, such as where to park or how to call your apartment to be buzzed in.
d) More info? YES! Always include more info. A link to the online action page can be helpful, but your personal statement is always more powerful. Let folks know why you’re throwing this event and what you hope to accomplish.
e) Who’s invited? Select guests from your Facebook friends – invite people even if you know they can’t attend; they may know someone they can tell about the event. Check yes next to the boxes for ‘Show the guest list on the event page’ and ‘Non-admins can write on the wall’.
f) Add a photo! Use one of the images we’ve created or make your own perfect picture.
g) Shorten the URL. After you’ve created the event, use a URL shortener like TinyURL or bit.ly to create a shorter, more manageable URL for your invitation. A shorter URL is less likely to be lost in translation from one post to another.
Expand the audience by targeting existing groups that have similar audiences or issues of concern. Find the Facebook pages for the city council, PTA, political science association at your college, etc., and post a link to your invitation on their wall. Customize your message to suit the group.
Don’t forget to include your local news organizations – tell them why this action is newsworthy and important to their readers! For example:
Drill down to your inner circle and make a personal appeal to those closest to you. Use Facebook’s message feature to send a personal message to a handful of your closest friends, those who you believe will support your house party by attending, inviting others, or helping you in some other way. This message should be personal so they know it’s coming from you, not from a faceless organization.
Dear friends: you know I wouldn’t clean my house unless I had a very good reason. We all have a good reason, so I’m spiffing up the place and inviting you to a house party on November 9 to talk about how corporations are taking over our elections.
Because you’re my friend and because I know the combination to your secret lair, I’m asking you to do two things for me:
1. Please send this invitation to YOUR closest friends and ask them if they want a) government for the people or b) government for the corporations – anyone who answers A is invited to the party on November 9.
2. Bring your soapbox to my place on November 9 to hear a message from Move to Amend about gearing up to take on Citizens United, the Supreme Court ruling that allows corporations to spend unlimited money in our elections.
Use Twitter to drive traffic to your Facebook invitation by piquing the interest of those who follow your tweets. Starting conversations is helpful if you can commit the time to keeping them going.
This 10 session study guide was created by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in 2001 and was revised and updated in 2006.
You don’t need any special skills or knowledge - anyone can start a study group!
The sessions covered include:
Download a PDF file of all the documents below (3.7MB), or visit the wilpf.org site to download PDFs of each session.
Take this idea to the next level and hold an "I Miss Democracy Pageant" with "contestants" trying to impress corporate "judges"
We'll discuss what you can do in your community to protest the second anniversary of the Citizens United and participate in our call to action to "Occupy the Courts!" on Friday, January 20, 2012.
These online trainings are an opportunity for folks to connect with Move to Amend and learn about organizing tools and campaign opportunities, and to connect with other MTA community organizers across the country.
All are welcome - no past experience required!
Due to outdated third-party technology made prior to June 2013, there's nothing we can do about the audio quality. All of our latest webinars are recorded with newer technology that provides better quality.
Stage a corporate-human wedding to take Corporate Personhood to the next ridiculous level and provide some fun and education at the same time!
Some highlights from a similar event organized in Madison, WI:
Check out the script attached below.
Here's a video of a "wedding" performed in Kansas City, MO by our Move to Amend affiliate:
Some creative ideas for inviting people to your event:
95% of organizing is follow-up. Sending out e-mail blasts is a great start, but without personal follow-up from you or someone coming to the event, it’s less likely folks will show up. So, make sure you give yourself some time to follow up with your invitees to let them know how important it is that they show up and what a good time they’ll have!
Historians Jim and Tomi Allison have long studied corporate personhood's checkered history. Jim's play, "The Prosecution of Judge Waite" brings their research on the background behind the Santa Clara decision to audiences in an entertaining dialogue with Judge Morrison Remick Waite, who presided over (and who now reconsiders) the decision that was reinterpreted as giving corporations the rights of human beings.
Many thanks to Jim and Tomi, and to Marybeth Gardam of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for developing the production and sharing it with other groups.
By Virginia Rasmussen and Mary Zepernick of the Women's International League for Peace and Feedom.
The following skit (a “drama” in six acts) takes about half an hour, depending on embellishments. Feel free to modify it (except for historical/Constitutional quotes) to suit your situation.
Be creative with props, costumes, audience participation, and so on.
Video: https://youtu.be/vy-LygIi4k4
Lois Romanoff, Move to Amend Cleveland
Charter schools fail and close for a variety of reasons all the time, namely financial malfeasance and poor academic performance.
Amendment Working Groups |
We the People AshlandAshland |
We the People CorvallisCorvallis |
Local Affiliates |
Move to Amend PortlandPortland |
Oregon Move to Amend is a state network of advocates and affiliates collaborating together across the 36 counties of the Beaver State.
For information on how to get involved, contact:
Darla Truitt
[email protected]
Resolutions & Ordinances Passed |
Baker City Council Coos Bay City Council Newport City Council Oregon State House of Representatives Oregon State Senate Portland City Council Silverton City Council |
Ballot Initiatives Passed |
City of Ashland City of Corvallis |
Main Street Alliance of Oregon Occupy Salem Oregon SEIU Local 503, Oregon Public Employees Union Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem Oregon Jackson County Democrats/ Occupy Ashland Oregon Black Political Convention Democratic Party of Douglas County, Oregon Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers |
Senator: Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |
Senator: Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |
1st District:
Cosponsor: NO (YES in 117th) DC Office: 2231 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
2nd District:
Cosponsor: NO DC Office:
409 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
3rd District:
Cosponsor: YES (117th, 118th) DC Office: 1111 Longworth House Office Building |
Cosponsor: YES (in 118th) DC Office: 1620 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-6416 |
5th District:
Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |
6th District:
Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |
For more information or to get involved, contact:
Bobbie Hunger, 401-588-1355, [email protected]
Are you a volunteer interested in becoming an advocate for Move to Amend? Click here to sign up!
Alongside hundreds of thousands of individuals have signed our Motion to Amend petition, there have been over 700 communities and states that have passed public resolutions, ordinances, and ballot initiatives supporting the We the People Amendment.
Passing local resolutions in support of amending the constitution is a great way to educate the public and to send a strong signal to legislators that people care about these issues. Click here for information on how to organize a resolution campaign in your community!
More than 600 local, state, and national organizations have come forward to support the passage of the We the People Amendment. Below are the Rhode Island-based organizations that formally call on our federal representatives to pass the We the People Amendment, and our local and state representatives to enact resolutions and legislation to advance this effort.
If your organization, business, union, faith community, or local governmental organization would like to sign on as a supporter of this effort, click here to add your endorsement!
The Save America Now Project |
Senator: Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |
Senator: Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |
1st District:
Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |
2nd District:
Cosponsor: NO DC Office: |