Saturday, February 11, 11 am ET
Presentation and discussion on the latest in the ongoing investigations, trials and efforts to hold individuals and FirstEnergy Corporation accountable for their roles in the largest bribery scandal in Ohio history.
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Catherine Turcer
Common Cause Ohio’s executive director. She coordinates the Ohio Fair Courts Alliance and is on the steering committee of the Ohio Voter Rights Coalition and Fair Districts Ohio. Catherine serves on the Move to Amend Ohio Coordinating Committee. She is the author of a number of money in politics studies and was the director of Ohio Citizen Action’s Money in Politics Project for 15 years. In 2006, Catherine received the Spirit of Democracy Award from the Ohio Secretary of State.
Greg Coleridge
National Move to Amend Co-Director, author of Citizens over Corporations: A Brief History of Democracy in Ohio and Challenges to Freedom in the Future, writer of the documentary CorpOrNation: The Story of Citizens and Corporations in Ohio