Media & Communications Toolkit

Thank you for your interest in working locally towards this important goal, and welcome to the Move to Amend movement! Amending the U.S. Constitution is a long-term campaign that will require the participation of groups across the country to be successful. It is our collective job to reach out to everyday Americans and engage them with Move to Amend. 

This Volunteer Kit provides guidance and resources for grassroots leaders from all backgrounds and experiences on how to:

  • Tell the Move to Amend story through effective use of different kinds of media.
  • Develop creative messaging to help educate the broader public about the nature of corporate rule and its impact in our daily lives.
  • Create mainstream and widespread support for the We the People Amendment through.

Earning Media Attention

Knowing how to work with the media effectively is important in grassroots campaigns. Whether you are trying to educate the public, sway elected officials, or grow your group (or all three), knowing how to get your message out there is key.

Human beings love stories! We think in stories, tell stories to each other, react to stories, and repeat them to others. And so if you are trying to communicate something important to voters, elected officials or anyone else, the best way to do it is through a story.

For examples of corporate rule stories you can tell, please visit

Writing Letters to the Editor (LTE) and Opinion Editorials (Op-EDs)

Writing Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor are one of the most widely read sections of the newspaper and reach a large audience. They allow community members to comment on the way issues are being addressed and to influence what topics the local paper covers. Elected officials often monitor this section of the newspaper and take notice of constituents’ opinions. Letters to the Editor can serve the following purposes:

  1. Comment on an article that appeared in the publication your letter is to.
  2. Give information about an upcoming event.
  3. Comment on a current issue.


Writing Editorials (Op-Eds)

An editorial is a way for an individual to express their own opinion rather than taking an objective approach to a story. Personal opinion is valued in editorials and should be stated in a rational manner that is supported by sources and quotations. The topic should be a current news story, event, or upcoming event. 


Working with Local Radio

Radio is another effective way to get your message out. You can use the radio as a catalyst for change by speeding up the process of informing the community of events that you are hosting or information you need to share quickly and effectively. Radio can also provoke and provide debates helping you gather a general consensus of how the average listener feels towards a particular issue.


Media & Communication Guides:

Press & Media Resources:


Using Social Media

Social media provides a place for us to connect with local supporters and create relationships that make people more conscious about the movement to amend the Constitution. Hundreds of millions of people are using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram, so including outreach in these arenas will help spread the word about your event and increase visibility in an important way.


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