Restoring the Money Power to the People

Tuesday, May 24,  5 pm PT / 8 pm ET

Lucille Eckrich is a founding member of the Alliance For Just Money, and has served on its Board and Executive Committee since its inception in 2018.

Steve Norris is the Alliance For Just Money Vice President and member of AFJM’s Youth Caucus. He is also Cleveland Move to Amend Co-Coordinator

(full bios below)

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Private commercial banks are arguably the most powerful corporate sector in the US and globally today because they secured—first in 1694 England and in 1913 in the US—the legally sanctioned privilege to create, via interest-bearing loans, almost all of the means of payment denominated in the currency of our nation that the rest of us, and our governments, use to engage in any and all means of commerce. Though this system failed within 20 years in the US, legislation in the 1930s shored it up and it has more or less survived ever since, extracting more and more wealth from our planet and the 99% into the pockets of the 1% and financial corporations, even on shakier grounds ever since the 2007-08 financial crises.

This is why members of the Alliance For Just Money (AFJM) believe that changing our money system is necessary to change our world, and that Just Money reform is in concert with Move to Amend’s We the People Amendment. AFJM’s Mission is to research, educate, and organize to pass legislation that makes our money a sovereign liquid asset of the people whose name it bears, whose commerce it circulates, and whose public good and democratic practice it exists to serve now and in perpetuity.

Hear the presentation and join the discussion about the nature of our existing money and banking system and how to correct its flaws to achieve the justice, sustainability and democracy that MTA and AFJM espouse and that our children and grandchildren demand of us now to ensure a livable world.

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Lucille Eckrich is a founding member of the Alliance For Just Money, and has served on its Board and Executive Committee since its inception in 2018. She majored in economics and African studies in college, and then worked in rural Botswana for three years, after which she did anti-apartheid and urban education work in Chicago until she started graduate school in 1990. It was through her 1998 dissertation on Value in Economics, Ethics, and Education that she came to a critique of modern money that has informed her life's work ever since. Lucille is an Associate Professor Emeritus at Illinois State University, where she taught leadership ethics and philosophy, sociology, and history of education in the College of Education 2001-2020. She has published on the student debt crisis, public school funding, urban education, and philosophy of education. She is married to a master cabinetmaker from Germany who fully renovated their 1896 home in central Illinois and with whom she raised three children who now live far afield. A bit more, including links to some of her publications, is available here

Steve Norris is a software developer in Ohio. He studied computer science and music at Denison University where he met his now wife Emily. He took an interest in Socially Responsible Investing when looking into saving for retirement and barriers to structural reforms. Increasingly concerned with the big money in politics, he became co-chair of Move to Amend Cleveland. He heard about monetary reform through John Howell’s presentation for a Move to Amend event and deepened his connection with the Alliance For Just Money through the Youth Caucus. As Vice President of AFJM, Steve has supported social media outreach and diversity, equity, and inclusion work.

May 24, 2022 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Joel Fears Monica Michel Mark Harding Sam Eliasen Anne Stauffer Franz Eckrich Steven Walsh Milly Harmon richard blake Warren Chamberlain Dan Sullivan Alfonso Saldana John and Suzanne Howell LaJune Thorson Don Thompson Lawrence Hager Emilie Marlinghaus Tabitha Enriquez Aaron Clegg Betty Wilson Leroy Kochel Karen Grissom Erica Stewart Michael Stern Nathan Kessel Eric Britton Eva Z John Hugg John Russell Judith Ferster steve showen Janis Richards virginia hammon Peter Becker Jack Holmes Sally Johnson Garrick Balk Frans Verhagen Jeff Brotemarkle Nadia Sindi Maggie Bengtson Diane Dougherty Paul Garrett Robert Tinker Jim Lee patricia Kanzler Summer Wahilani Jeff Shapiro

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