Dennis Kucinich on Pulling the Plug on FirstEnergy Corporation

Tuesday, August 23 | 7:00 pm ET

Presentation by and discussion with Dennis Kucinich
Former Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio State Senator, U.S. Congressperson and 
Presidential Candidate
Author of The Division of Light and Power

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As Mayor of Cleveland, Kucinich stood up to local, state and federal political and economic power structures to keep Cleveland's public utility ("Muny Light") public, as chronicled in his incredible new book, The Division of Light and Power. 

Dennis will share how Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company corrupted the political process then and the lessons learned for us today as we educate and organize to assert people power over business corporations -- including to revoke the charter of FirstEnergy and dissolve the company for their direct involvement in the largest bribery scandal in Ohio history.

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Join us for this informative, insightful and urgent program!

The time has not yet arrived when the created is greater than the creator, and it still remains the duty of the courts to perform their office in the enforcement of the laws, no matter how ingenious the pretexts for their violation may be, nor the power of the violators in the commercial world.
-- State ex rel. Monnett v. Capital City Dairy Co., 62 OS 350 (1900) decision by the Ohio Supreme Court to revoke the company’s charter

More information, email [email protected]

Sponsored by Ohio Move to Amend

August 23, 2022 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Kay Davis Lois Romanoff Werner Lange Holly Timberlake Suzanne Patzer Anne Perusek Larry Hamilton Gary Lori Lissa Brubaker Xiomara Piotrzkowski Carolyn Casper Lucille Eckrich Chris Trepal Marjorie Mulcahy Don Bryant Dennis Flores Todd Smith paul hach William Safranek Barbara Runge Robert Masters II Venita Kelley Cathy Cowan Becker Tara Dixon Bob Roehm Dave Rager Gary Houser Tom Nowel Michael Patterson Emily Holody Steven Norris J ean Burdeshaw Nancy Larson Paul Schaffner Russell Buckbee Deb McGuire Michel Coconis Tim Chavez Dee Chavez Thaden Brient Brian Houlehan Farrell Brody Deb Hogshead Ursula McVey John and Suzanne Howell Sandy Bolzenius Terrence Ross Peter Morgan

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