Ecology Network

RSVP HERE for the next call! 

The is a space Move to Amend created to focus on the relationship between corporate power and environmental catastrophe. We’re interested in gathering with folks who, like us, want an end to corporate destruction of the Earth for-profit and to create alternatives for a truly livable world. 

Move to Amend has been focused on ending the constitutional rights for corporations in the United States which they use to get away with; dangerous fracking and pipelines, spewing oil and toxic waste into the water, mountaintop removal, usurping community rights and violating treaties, and every other shameful action corporations take in the pursuit of maximum profit. 

We have one perspective and hold one piece of the work, but the fight for the survival of animals and ecosystems will take many of us. This is a space where we invite folks who are fighting this fight to come and share with us, help strengthen the public education we do and uplift your work, and connect with other threads of the movement.

Scroll down for the list of resources.




ECO-NET: Agenda & Outline for Public Speaking Workshop

Join in solidarity with "Scientists, Activists, and Families for SAFE Environments" or simply “S.A.F.E.” on September 20, 2022, in Washington D.C.

Supreme Court Threatens EPA Regulations to Benefit Fossil Fuel Corporations

How Corporate Constitutional Rights Harm You, Your Family, Your Community, Your Environment, and Your Democracy

Communities of Faith and Ethical Convictions Must Come Together to Mitigate Climate Change

"New Normal" Needs a New Constitutional Amendment - video

War is (still) a Racket: Corporate power, big money and the Russian invasion of Ukraine

COP26 (letter to the editor)

Legal Petition Demands Biden Administration Stop Unlawful Fossil Fuel Projects

People vs. Fossil Fuels: Which side are you on! Take Action

Make it a Watershed Movement to Amend

The Green New Deal Needs the #WeThePeopleAmendment

The 🌍needs the #WeThePeopleAmendment

Community Rights: Working Together for Real People

The Immorality of the Climate Crisis and Corporate Rule


Volunteer Sign the Motion to Amend Donate