The Green New Deal Needs the #WeThePeopleAmendment

Last week, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey introduced into the 117th Congress a visionary piece of legislation known as the Green New Deal.

The GND is a bold and comprehensive plan to transform our current economy -- based on fossil fuel extraction and exploitation -- into an economy of dignified jobs for all and clean energy!

Contact your Rep today and urge them to cosponsor BOTH the Green New Deal AND the #WeThePeopleAmendment -- because the future of our planet depends on it!

As long as corporations are constitutionally protected allowing them to flood our government with money to influence legislation, and flood our air and water with toxicity for their own profits -- we have no defense against climate collapse.

And without a bold and comprehensive plan like the Green New Deal to alter our disastrous course both economically and ecologically -- we also have no defense against climate collapse!!

As long as corporations have constitutional rights, the Green New Deal is vulnerable to lawsuits and being gutted by the Supreme Court under the excuse that it violates corporate constitutional rights. In other words -- the Green New Deal NEEDS the #WeThePeopleAmendment.

Urge your rep to cosponsor BOTH the Green New Deal and the #WeThePeopleAmendment today!

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