ONLINE: Kickoff Call for 2021 Campaign to Move Congress to Amend


January 21, 2021 | 5pm - 6:30pm Pacific time 

We're kicking off our 2021 Campaign to get 100 Co-Sponsors for the #WeThePeopleAmendment! 

The #WeThePeopleAmendment will end corporate personhood and get big money out of politics. We are working with our lead, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, right now to get the amendment re-introduced in the US House for the 5th time. 

We need your help to recruit 100 members of Congress to co-sponsor the bill. That's our goal for 2021 but we've decided we want to reach that goal by the end of the first quarter of the year. 

Join our Kickoff Call to get all the details and learn how you can help us reach this ambitious and critical goal!

So many of the problems we face today are precisely because corporations are considered people, with inalienable rights, and money is free speech, protected by the U.S. Constitution. 

The symptoms can be very distracting, but we must press on because we know the cure is the #WeThePeopleAmendment. 

Let's Move The 117th Congress to Amend!

January 21, 2021 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Move to Amend · · 916-318-8040
Jan Weiner Hector Alicea Jr Tim Riley Peter Joseph Drummond Ceglarek Jeffrey Nibert Shelly Williams Julia Ingram Douglas Jones Hope Richardson Teka Lo Pamela Goodwin Carole Gilbert Varsha Mathrani Beverly Churchill DonFphrnqTaubPersina Persina Sharman Haley Milly Harmon Steve Frisina Jim Hilton Jeff Tardaguila Tracy Nilson Silas Studley jiyoung park Shi Woo Ji Andie Barbour Bill Banning Stacy Gray Matt John Nicholas Flicker Ann Rosenwinkel Will Nakshian Tara Ingram Joanne Winship Claudia Miller Castle Russell Lyn Newkirk Inga Carmack Laurie Salen Lawrence Abbott Judy Becker Larry Krasner Diane Brower john marhall Marcie Musser Tom Roberts Kathy kanipe Max Foye Stephen Spieckerman

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