Ballot initiatives are important tools to promote ending corporate rule: Vote NO on Issue 1

Move to Amend has used ballot initiatives across the country to promote abolishing corporate constitutional rights and money defined as free speech – the core components of the We the People Amendment, HJR54.

Citizens from coast to coast for more than 10 years have collected signatures to place on local and state ballots initiatives calling on Congress to take action. Ohio could possibly do the same in the future.

Citizen-driven ballot initiatives are examples of direct democracy – people taking charge in creating laws that bypass elected representatives. 

However, the ballot initiative as a viable democratic tool for direct democracy (including holding elected officials accountable), as currently defined in the Ohio Constitution, is under direct assault.

Issue 1 would raise the bar in significant ways to make it nearly impossible to pass ballot initiatives – which are already difficult.

State Issue 1 would gut our citizen-initiative rights and make it harder to promote abolishing corporate rule.

Please take action in these 2 ways.

1. VOTE NO ON ISSUE 1. The election is August 8. Early voting begins on July 11.

2. Spread the word. Here’s a link to a sheet to distribute to friends, neighbors, anyone. Each sheet, when cut, produces 4 fliers. Please share far and wide!

Thank you for taking action to send this anti-democratic measure to a well-deserved flaming defeat. 

Vote NO on Issue 1 and distribute the flier to everyone you know.

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