Your support is a major reason for our 2024 accomplishments!

2024 has been a major challenge for Move to Amend with all the attention, energy and resources directed toward the November election. However, your continued interest, direct involvement and financial support allowed us to continue focusing on the systemic goal of ending the corrupting, unjust and environmental catastrophic effects of undue corporate power by amending the Constitution to establish that only human beings, not corporations, are constitutional “persons” and that money raised and spent in elections is not free speech and can be regulated. 

We made great strides this year (see below), but all the attention on the elections meant we're still $100,000 short of where we need to be to start 2025 on solid ground. 

Help us reach out end of year fundraising goal of $100,000 by donating HERE


We hope you agree it’s impressive work given we operate on a shoestring budget. We continue to be both financially and economically independent (which go together) from political parties, major foundations, big corporations, the government and 1-2 major individual super rich benefactors. We rely on your financial support – be it one time contribution or even better, donating monthly.

Tens of millions of dollars were donated to political candidates. Elections are one way to create change. Power exerted from individuals organized in independent groups in another way to create change. 

That’s what Move to Amend was about this year – educating, advocating and organizing for fundamental change to a political system and government that has been captured by billionaires and mega corporations – and is about to become more blatant and lucrative for those with political access. 

Thank you for supporting our approach: 

√ To focus on not simply reacting to individual harms but responding or pro-acting with a systemic alternative to create fundamental democracy – the We the People Amendment


√ To remain committed to depending on individuals like you (along with a few family foundations) to fund our work – to remain economically and politically independent.

Thank you so much for your support!

Jennie, Tara, Shelly, George, Daniel, Margaret, Michael, Jessica, Katie, Keyan, Alfonso, , Cole, Jason & Greg

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