We lobbied at the DNC. You can lobby from home.

As Congress continues its break through the Labor Day week, the opportunity continues to make your voice heard where it counts—right in your own district!

Recently, several Move to Amend board members and co-directors lobbied Congresspersons at the Democratic National Convention to co-sponsor H.J.R. 54, the We the People Amendment.

It wasn’t easy. We had to find out what hotels state delegations were staying in all over Chicago, then get past security to enter the hotels, then instantaneously match their professional photographs to their current appearance (which sometimes was very different!) and, finally, while dodging their aide make a quick pitch directly to the Congressperson as they were heading to breakfast or a meeting, talking with others or having their pictures taken.

We handed them or their aides info about the We the People Amendment (WTP) and a flier showing that both members of the Democratic ticket had previously supported our efforts: Harris taking our Pledge to Amend when first running for U.S. Senator and Walz co-sponsoring the WTP Amendment as a Congressperson.

How many additional Congresspersons will soon become a co-sponsor? That will depend, in part, on the extent our efforts are followed up by your efforts right where you are.

Contact your Congressperson today! Ask them to co-sponsor HJR54.

1. Connect Locally: With Congress out of session, many Representatives will be back in their districts, attending Labor Day events or parades. This is your chance to engage with them face-to-face. Find out where they'll be and make your voice heard!

2. Reach Out Directly: Not sure where your Representative will be? Use the Capitol website to find their local office contact information. Call or email them to urge them to co-sponsor HJR54. Mention that Move to Amend supporters were actively lobbying at the DNC and encourage them to follow suit.

3. Check out all the lobbying resources we here.

If your Representative is a Democrat, mention that Move to Amend supporters were at the DNC lobbying in the hotels where many state delegations were staying. They may have been approached by one.

Either way, you hope they will follow in the footsteps of those at the top of their ticket and support ending corporate “personhood” and the corrupting influence of money in elections due to it being defined constitutionally as “free speech.”

Our efforts at the DNC were just the beginning. Now it's up to you to help us build momentum. Contact your Representative today and ask them to co-sponsor HJR54. Let them know that you, like many others, are committed to ending corporate “personhood” and curbing the corrupting influence of money in politics.

Thank you for your continued dedication to this crucial fight. Together, we can make a difference!

Other ways you can support H.J.R. 54: 

Gather Signatures: Help us grow support by collecting signatures for the We the People Amendment. Use our traditional forms or QR codes to gather support in your community.


Please consider supporting our efforts and help us make a greater impact by donating. Every contribution helps us continue our fight for a more just and equitable system. Donate Here.

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