I am a retired USPS letter carrier as well as a retired US Army veteran. I have been a devout union member of the NatlAssocOfLetterCarriers Br#19 New Haven CT 06473 approaching fifty years. I have also had the pleasure of meeting Craig Coleridge just this past November at the Greater New Haven Labor History Assoc. where he addressed our executive board members as well as other interested attendees. What an excellent, informative presentation.
I have also been involved with Public Citizen since the advent of the Citizens United ruling in 2010. Shortly thereafter I was able to obtain several signatures on petitions relative to the ruling of Citizens United. I continue to be a member and advocate of Public Citizen on the many issues with the current administration.
The purpose of this inquiry is to try and arrange for a telephone conversation with preferably Craig or someone on the staff. The question at hand is the lack of endorsements of HJR 48 from any of the five Connecticut congresspersons. It’s my understanding that the state of CT IS one the other nineteen states which have already signed the constitutional amendment to repeal the citizen united ruling.
If someone would kindly respond to this inquiry It would definitely clear up a few uncertainties with the above-mentioned matters.
Thank you kindly for your time and cooperation with these ever-pressing matters.
In Solidarity
Walter S. Fritsch Jr