Capitalism and the Market Economy
Summer Reading Circle
Join Move to Amend and individuals from other organizations this summer to read and discuss Jonathan McMillan’s 2024 book, Capitalism and the Market Economy: Bringing Back Together What Banking Pulls Apart. Two times for reading circles are being offered to accommodate an international audience. Each group will be 3, 90 minute sessions discussing 1/3 of the book.
Capitalism and the Market Economy (2024) identifies and critiques the systemic flaw in today’s market economy—namely, banking corporations’ legalized power to create money out of credit. The book provides a concrete action plan to create a more sustainable, democratic, and fair economic system.
Dates: July 30, August 14 and August 28
Time: 19:00-20:30 CEST (Sweden/Germany et al.) / 1:00-2:30 PM Eastern Time (USA)
(click time zone converter for the time in your region).
Audience: Geared towards an international audience, and all IMMR members and subscribers are invited.
Language: Language-specific small groups (where possible) + main discussion in English
Host: Positiva Pengar (Swedish IMMR organization)
Dates: July 30, August 14 and August 28
Time: 7:30-9:00 PM Eastern Time (USA)
(click time zone converter for the time in your region)
Audience: Geared toward the US context, but members and subscribers of all IMMR organizations and others interested in the topic are welcome.
Language: English
Host: Alliance For Just Money (USA IMMR organization). Cosponsored by Move to Amend
After the Reading Circle, a live webinar will be held with the authors on Sept 11, 1-3 PM ET (USA). It is open to all.
Join us!
p.s. The first session is in 2 weeks. Please consider ordering the book, if you're able, from a local bookstore.