STRIKING DOWN DEMOCRACY: How our Rights are Hijacked by Corporations in our Communities

Thursday, November 11

5:00 - 6:30 pm PT | 6:00 - 7:30 pm MT | 7:00 - 8:30 CT | 8:00 - 9:30 pm ET

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Laws and regulations passed by local elected officials and citizen-driven ballot initiatives protecting or expanding the health, safety and/or welfare of residents, the environment, and "democracy" are increasingly overturned by state and federal elected officials and courts. Political, economic, social, environmental and psychological harms are the results. This anti-democratic preemption of local decisions is due to a culture and constitutional rules protecting property and profit over people and the planet.

Learn about this problem and solutions both from the bottom-up and top-down from two organizations that centralize creating authentic democracy and abolishing corporate constitutional rights.


Chad Nicholson, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (Pennsylvania)

Susie Beiersdorfer, Ohio Community Rights Network 

Debra Fant, Lincoln County Community Rights (Oregon) 

Jessica Munger, Program Director, Move to Amend

Michael Tucker, Los Angeles Move to Amend

The event is free, and all are welcome!

Sponsored by the  National Community Rights Network and Move to Amend

Contacts: Kara Scott, NCRN, [email protected] | Greg Coleridge, MTA, [email protected]

November 11, 2021 at 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Ronald Breidenbach Jat=y Johnson Ella Rae Woodland Peggie Jo Vincent Dede Wissman Leigh Power Ben Price Carole Schaefer Brett Van Adam Sullivan Dave Butcher JIll Hinkemeyer Elizabeth Laurenson Laurent Gilbert, Sr. B. Smith Carl Coleman Francis Eatherington Diane Ryerson Karen Carlson Kat Stone Karen Nemsick Paul Schaffner Terrence Ross Wayne Pipke Mary Roberts Connie Stewart Daljeet Sandhu Stephanie Hughes Stephen Verchinski Pamela Nicholls Carmine DeChristopher Nancy Ward Pat Montee Bill Wilen Tom Tonon Stacy Cossey Mary Ann Smith Charlie Rodgers David VonSeggern Dave Nelson Steven Whitcher Tara Dixon Eileen Hamilton jolene edwards Ed Ellingson Pamela Kelley Bob Letcher Michel Coconis

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