Five Easy Steps to Start a New Group

Move to Amend is a grassroots movement to amend the US Constitution to make clear corporations are not people with constitutional rights and money is not free speech. We have local affiliates growing in communities across the country who are working to educate their local communities and elected officials, bring people together to join the movement, and mobilize their communities to pressure state and federal legislators to take action on the We the People Amendment. If you don't already have a MTA group in your area, start one up!

1. Bring Your Group Together

Check to see if there’s already a group in your community. If not, your first step is to bring a group of interested people together.

2. Hold an introductory meeting

  • Find a venue and time for your meeting
  • Your first meeting can be small and in your living room! Pick a date, time, and place and invite your friends.
  • Or, hold a public meeting at a library, community center, or church

3. Register your meeting with MTA

  • We can post your event on the Move to Amend website and send an announcement to the Move to Amend petition signers in your area if you register it with us at least two weeks in advance. 

4. Promote your meeting around town

  • Send an email announcement to your friends and colleagues
  • Create flyers and post them around town
  • Advertise in local newspapers
  • Create a Facebook event
  • Send a reminder email before your meeting

5. Get ready for the meeting

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