PMA readings and overview

The truth is this People’s Movement Assembly will be different. We’re used to getting folks together to have big conversations but this is the first time we’ve hosted a *virtual* People’s Movement Assembly.

We want to welcome you to settle in for a weekend-long process and embrace the revolutionary community building in this historical moment. 

Which means, we’ve got a lot to cover! To help maximize our time together, we’ve complied a suggested readings list for you and here’s what you can expect this weekend!

Saturday, October 24th 

10-3 Pacific . 1-6 Eastern 

Welcome, Spoken Word Performance, and Overview of the PMA Process

10:00am Pacific/1pm Eastern


Panel Discussion

Speakers: Ben Price, Esha Krishanaswamy, Mark Charles 


Breakout Session #1 - Defining the Moment

11:30am Pacific/2:30pm Eastern 


30 Minute Break

1:00pm Pacific/4:00pm Eastern


Breakout Session #2 - Building a Vision

1:30pm Pacific/4:30pm Eastern 


Report Backs and Closing 

2:30pm Pacific/5:30pm Eastern


Sunday, October 25th 

10-1 Pacific. 1 - 4 Eastern

Welcome, Spoken Word Performance

10:00am Pacific/1pm Eastern



Ben Manski


Review Synthesis of Yesterday’s Discussions

To inform our action planning


Breakout Session #3 - Planning to Realize Our Vision

11:00am Pacific/2:00pm Eastern


Closing and Next Steps 

Onward, to a better world

Suggested Readings:

We’ve got a lot to cover during the People’s Movement Assembly weekend! To help maximize our time together, we’ve complied some readings for you. We strongly encourage you to go through these materials to help create context for our discussions the weekend of the 24th and 25th.

Find all the pre-PMA reading materials here:

You'll find a primary list of materials that we want to make sure you go through, as well as a secondary optional list for those of you who want to go deeper. We’ve listed how long each piece is to help make it more accessible. 

Some of these materials are courtesy of our panelists! You'll hear more about them soon. 



  • Remember that the registration process is two steps. You have completed registration once you’ve received an email from Zoom with the link to the call. Be sure you’ve registered on this page
  • You can find all the pre-PMA readings here! Please take some time with them before this weekend. 
  • Last chance to invite your friends! Find the event page here
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