OUR "Project 2025" - Working Together to Build POWER

Project 2025, as envisioned by the Heritage Foundation and supporters in the incoming Trump Administration, calls for concentrating the executive branch under the complete control of the U.S. president. Its extreme reactionary policy recommendations in the 900-page plan address nearly every aspect of American life. At much greater risk are basic civil liberties, the rule of law, separation of powers, separation of church and state and other threats to the U.S. Constitution.

We have our own Project 2025

It’s a plan with one primary goal: to increase our efforts to build a powerful and authentically inclusive and democratic people’s movement for an authentic democracy – for the very first time. It’s a movement that must be independent from the influence of billionaires, corporations, big foundations, political parties and government. 

Major changes are required for our government to become legitimately representative of We the People instead of captured by the super-rich and corporations. It was true under Biden and previous presidents. It will be more blatant and gluttonous under Trump. That will provide tremendous educational, advocacy and organizing opportunities to call for systemic change that is proportional to the growing crises (plural) to be faced.

We didn’t have a legit democracy before the November 2024 election. We sure will not have one under Trump 2.0. 

It’s Up to Us – as it always has been – individuals like you in communities at the grassroots who care, who have hope, able to transform pain into action, with vision and commitment for justice and democracy, willing to learn and work together, to be humble, to share experiences, unafraid of making mistakes, and taking full advantage of the opportunities that await.

Of course, we need and will seek out allies within government, corporations, and other institutions within the current system who recognize like us that major changes are needed -- including ending the anti-democratic and environmentally catastrophic constitutional doctrines that "money equals free speech" and that "a corporation is a person."

Our Plan to Build POWER in 2025

P: Publicize. We’ll increase and amplify our informational materials, analysis and proposals for change (did someone say the We the People Amendment to abolish corporate rule and big money in elections?) through email blasts, expanded social media channels, live streams, press releases, media interviews and podcasts.

O: Organize and Outreach. We’ll work on local, state and national levels to expand our organizational endorsements and municipal resolutions for the We the People Amendment. There will be specific dates during the year for organized signature gathering on our Motion to Amend petition. We'll offer more training to local volunteers, advocates and affiliate members. We’ll encourage supporters to work with state allied organizations to promote pro-democratic/anti-corporate statutory reforms. We’ll connect with key organizations advocating for solutions that are difficult to achieve without enacting the We the People Amendment. And we’ll attend relevant regional and national conferences, mass actions and solidarity events. 

W: Well-being. We sponsored a mid-November workshop titled “Coping with Anger and Despair: Connecting Outer Inner Growth with Outer Change.” The workshop, soon to be converted to a new session of our Movement Education Program (MEP), is the first of many resources we will offer supporters throughout the year on how to confront crises and chaos, but also to help envision and empower to convert pain into external transformative change.

E: Educate. The history of social change is not only about changing laws and constitutions, but of changing cultures. Education is a major part of cultural change. This includes writing more articles, making more presentations, producing more videos and engaging in more participatory discussions. Our materials will be clearer, more visual and more creative. Culture also involves the arts. We've already begun producing a "Living Tree" transportable mural connecting ending corporate rule with ensuring a livable world that will be visible at national public events where we participate.  

R: Respond. While we'll encourage supporters to resist the many harms and protect those who will be harmed from the implementation of some of the Project 2025 proposals, we understand that resisting must be complemented by responding with alternatives. That’s why we will work to see that the We the People Amendment is introduced and supported by elected officials in both the U.S House of Representatives and, for the first time, the U.S. Senate. It’s impossible for people to have the fundamental right to decide what’s best for their families, communities, nation and natural world when those rights have been preempted by the constitutional rights of corporations and money to further power and profit. 

Please contribute to the ONLY organization in the U.S with the laser focus of ending ALL corporate constitutional rights and money defined as free speech 

We are under no illusions that the We the People Amendment will be enacted in 2025. Yet we are well aware of the history of social change. It is in times of great uncertainty when fundamental alternatives are most seriously considered, when what has grown slowly suddenly takes off, and when what is seen as impossible becomes reasonable and then afterwards inevitable. 

None of that happens magically or automatically, but only by intention. It's our responsibility to continue working, not knowing how and when the tipping point will be reached. 

It’s Up to Us! 

We are in this together. 

And we need your help.

Please make an end of the year contribution of any amount you're able (one time or, better yet, monthly)

We are and have always been politically and economically independent. That means, bluntly, we rise, or fall based on grassroots financial support, which represents a major portion of our budget. 

Please donate

Many thanks for your past, current and, hopefully, continued support for our collective effort in working for the scale of the change required to respond to the scale of our problems.

Onward in creating an authentic democracy that we all deserve,

Tara, Shelly, George, Daniel, Margaret, Michael, Jessica, Katie, Keyan, Alfonso, Cole, Jason, Jennie, & Greg

Move to Amend National Team

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