Our Healthcare Crisis is a Democracy Crisis

Prior to COVID-19, 44 million Americans were already uninsured, with millions more underinsured, and many more with marketplace plans that had high premiums, co-pays, deductibles and out of pocket expenses -- a deterrent to actually seeking needed care.

Fast forward to today. After hearing the praises of the "choice" of employer based healthcare throughout the primary debates, we are now watching in real time as the economic downturn is creating mass unemployment, with millions having their "choice" employer-based healthcare taken away from them, through no fault of their own. During a grossly mismanaged pandemic. It makes all of the healthcare debates from 6 months ago look...absurd.

So it makes sense that support for (single payer) Medicare for All has skyrocketed in popularity.

While there is a (curious) dearth of more current polling, back in April we learned that:

  • 69% of all voters want Medicare for All

  • 88% of Democrat voters want Medicare for All

  • 46% of Republican voters want Medicare for All

Yet, somehow only a minority of our Reps and Senators are representing this political will and fighting for healthcare justice. During a grossly mismanaged pandemic, and on the precipice of a depression. We are told it's not "politically possible" because of lack of congressional support but...why? How could that be, when their JOB is to represent us? That is precisely what they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to do -- represent us.

If we really want democracy -- if we really MEAN that -- we need to have more self-respect as an electorate. 

We must DEMAND Medicare for All.

We also must DEMAND the #WeThePeopleAmendment. Because the doctrine of "Money is Free Speech" means that the insurance and pharmaceutical industries can out-spend us in elections, and turn our own government against us. And the doctrine "Corporations Are People" (in the eyes of the Constitution), it means that even if Medicare for All passes, these corporations can sue and gut the legislation, claiming their "constitutional rights" (which include making profit) are being violated.


Make a few quick calls. Find your Reps and Senators HERE.

Script for Reps:

Hi, I am a constituent of _____, and I want them to cosponsor Medicare For All (HR 1384), because it is supported by a majority of Americans and we are in a crisis, with no end in sight. I would also like them to cosponsor the We The People Amendment (HJR 48) -- because we need democracy for people, not corporations. Thank you!

Script for Senators:

Hi, I am a constituent of _____, and I want them to cosponsor Medicare For All (SB 1129), because it is supported by a majority of Americans and we are in a crisis, with no end in sight. I would also like them to introduce a companion bill to the We The People Amendment (HJR 48) -- because we need democracy for people, not corporations. Thank you!

Thank you SO much for taking a few moments out of your day to join others in holding our elected officials accountable to We The People.


George, Leila, Jessica, Keyan, Shelly, Alfonso, Kaitlin, Milly, Greg, Jason, Daniel, Tara, Saleem

- Move to Amend National Team

P.S. Move to Amend has been hard-hit by the recent downturn, as we weren't eligible for relief in the CARES Act -- as a grassroots funded organization, we are asking those WHO CAN, to step up and help us continue this fight. Please make a generous donation today!

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