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Victory: Oregon Governor Finally Sides with Hood River County Over Nestlé
The fight to keep Nestlé from grabbing water resources in Oregon cleared another hurdle.
This past Friday, Governor Brown officially backed out of a crucial deal that would have let Nestlé build a $50 million water bottling plant in Cascade Locks. The Governor told the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to officially withdraw an application that set aside up to 225 gallons per minute from Oxbow Springs for commercial sale.
Read moreThe Grinch Who Stole Democracy
After Donald Trump ascended to the presidency, despite losing the popular vote by an astounding margin, there just wasn't a lot of cheering to be heard in Whoville. Trump is like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, with the notable exception that Trump doesn't have a heart, not even one ten sizes too small.
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