OHIO: Kent Democracy Day Public Hearing 2022


By Bill Wilen, Kent
This will be the seventh year Kent has held its Democracy Day public hearing. The purpose for this forum, which is held as part of the City Council meeting, is for area citizens to express our views related to the proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution, which would “legalize democracy” by freeing “we the people” from corporate rule and get the “dark money” out of elections.
The proposed amendment would remove personhood from corporations and eliminate the notion that money is a form of speech.
The voters of Kent approved a ballot initiative for city council to hold Democracy Day every election year. Over 700 communities in the US and almost 30 cities in Ohio have also approved resolutions calling for “We the People” constitution amendments and public hearings including Akron, Canton and Cleveland. Democracy Day is part of the national Move to Amend movement to approve the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.
For more information on this cause go to movetoamend.org.
The Democracy Day public hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 (Wed.) at 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Main Fire Station, 320 S. Depeyster, St., Kent, and will be broadcast live on the City of Kent’s You Tube Channel.
Any person wishing to be heard on the subject matter of the political influence resulting from campaign contributions by corporate entities should plan to give a 3–5-minute talk and submit a copy of your talk to the Clerk of Council at the public hearing. You can also attend and listen to the
Thank you for considering attending this public forum and, most importantly, becoming politically active by presenting your perspective on the money in politics and elections.
October 05, 2022 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Council Chambers at the Main Fire Station, 320 S. Depeyster, St., Kent, OH 44240

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