Never Again! Remembering the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

August 9, 2023 | 8:00 PM ET, 7:00 CT, 6:00 MT, 5:00 PM PT

You Must Pre-Register for the Webinar at


Haig Hovaness: Haig is the co-chair of the Green Party's Peace Action Committee

Chrissy Stonebraker-Martinez: Co-Director of the InterReligious Task Force on Central America.

Penny Hess: is chairwoman of the African People's Solidarity Movement and is an expert on why colonized people deserve reparations.

Greg Coleridge: Greg is Co-Director of "Move to Amend" and author of "The Depth of Change: Selected Writings and Remarks on Social Change" (2022).

Lynn Sableman: Lynn is the current president of the St. Louis Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Daniel Kovalik: Dan is a labor and human rights lawyer who teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh Law School.

Madelyn Hoffman: Madelyn is Co-Chair of the Green Party Peace Action Committee. (GPAX) Madelyn will moderate the program.

For More Information email [email protected] or call 314-495-8006.

August 09, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm

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