Montanans Move to Amend

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We are Montana supporters of the nationwide movement, Move to Amend.  Towns and states across the country are calling for the US Constitutional amendment that will overturn the US Supreme Court’s "Citizens United" decision so we can have fair elections.

In Montana, we are bringing together the 75% of Montana voters, with a majority in every county, who showed, in Initiative 166, that they want a level playing field and support the amendment that says...

“Money is property, not speech”
“Corporations are not human beings
with constitutional rights"


For information on how to get involved, contact:
Sue Kirchmyer
[email protected]

Visit Our Facebook Page

Are you a volunteer interested in becoming an advocate for Move to Amend? Click here to sign up!

Communities in Support

Alongside hundreds of thousands of individuals have signed our Motion to Amend petition, there have been over 700 communities and states that have passed public resolutions, ordinances, and ballot initiatives supporting the We the People Amendment. Below is a list of resolutions that were passed by elected political bodies (i.e. state legislatures, or county/city/town/village councils), residents who voted at Town Hall meetings, or by voters following organized ballot campaigns by Move to Amend supporters in Montana.

Passing local resolutions in support of amending the constitution is a great way to educate the public and to send a strong signal to legislators that people care about these issues. Click here for information on how to organize a resolution campaign in your community!

Resolutions & Ordinances Passed

Helena City Commission

Hot Springs Town Council

Ballot Initiatives Passed

City of Missoula (75%)

Montanans voted 75% to 25% in favor of Initiative No. 166, which charged Montana’s state and federal elected officials with implementing a policy, including by constitutional amendment, that corporations are not human beings with constitutional rights. (Click here and here for more information.)

Endorsing Organizations

More than 600 local, state, and national organizations have come forward to support the passage of the We the People Amendment (in Congress as House Joint Resolution 48). Below are the Montana-based organizations that formally call on our federal representatives to pass the We the People Amendment, and our local and state representatives to enact resolutions and legislation to advance this effort. 

If your organization, business, union, faith community, or local governmental organization would like to sign on as a supporter of this effort, click here to add your endorsement!

American Independent Business Alliance

Reclaim Democracy

University Faculty Association - University of Montana

Bold = Founding Organization

Montana's Congressional Delegation


Jon Tester
Jon Tester

Cosponsor: NO
Pledge Signer: NO

DC Office:
311 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202)-224-2644
Fax: (202)-224-8594

Steve Daines
Steve Daines

Cosponsor: NO
Pledge Signer:

DC Office:
320 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2651


1st District:

Cosponsor: NO
Pledge Signer: NO

DC Office:
512 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-5628


View District Map


2nd District:

Cosponsor: NO
Pledge Signer: NO

DC Office:
1037 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3211


View District Map


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