Great news! Congressperson Lisa Blunt Rochester has agreed to meet with a group of fellow constituents TODAY!
You can help by taking a moment to call Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester to ask that she co-sponsors the We the People Amendment.
One short call can make a HUGE IMPACT!
WASHINGTON, DC OFFICE Phone: (202) 225-4165
GEORGETOWN OFFICE Phone: (302) 858-4773
WILMINGTON OFFICE Phone: (302) 830-2330
Insistence and persistence are two key principles for being heard by our elected representatives. You have to be clear and constant.
The message: "I'm calling to ask Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester co-sponsors HJR 48, the We the People Amendment, which would end the bizarre and undemocratic constitutional doctrines that political money in elections is free speech and corporations are persons with constitutional rights.”
Let’s flood her offices TODAY with calls until we receive an answer.
And, if you're a constituent and wish to join this meeting happening at 5:00 pm EST, please contact [email protected]