Citizens United 15th Anniversary: Local Action Call

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the disastrous Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision—a ruling that extended the lie of corporate personhood to unleash unlimited corporate money into our elections, undermining what little democracy we had and definitively giving the wealthy few outsized influence over our government.

But this is also a day of action, hope, and solidarity. Supporters and volunteers across the country are saying enough is enough - heading to their local congressional offices to meet with their representatives, and urging them to support real change by backing the #WeThePeopleAmendment.

It’s not too late for you to join this historic moment! Even if you can’t meet your representative in person, you can still take powerful action today. Here are some ways you can still get involved in the Citizens United 15th Anniversary Day of Action from home: 

👉 Call, email, or send a letter to your congressperson and urge them to be an original cosponsor of the #WeThePeopleAmendment when Rep. Pramila Jayapal reintroduces it into the 119th Congress. If you don't know who your local congressperson is, this link can help you find that information.

  • EMAIL: Use One Click Politics to demand your representative co-sponsor the We the People Amendment once it is reintroduced. Your voice is crucial to creating the groundswell of support needed, and it takes about a minute to fill out [link here].
  • CALL: Pick up the phone and let your representative know you want them to be an original co-sponsor the #WeThePeopleAmendment
  • WRITE: A handwritten or typed letter can make a powerful impression. Use our letter template or write your own to urge your representative to stand up for democracy.
  • MEET: If you can’t visit today, why not schedule a meeting for the future? This fight isn't going away soon and a one-on-one conversation can be incredibly impactful.
  • ENGAGE: Engage with Move to Amend on social media by tagging and sharing your updates in the fight against corporate rule. You can also engage with your elected officials this way!

Enough is enough folks! 15 years of Citizens United is 15 years too long. Almost 150 years of corporate personhood is certainly much too long. It is well past time to take our country back. We hope you can join Move to Amend and supporters all across the country in using this shameful anniversary as an opportunity to remind our government that democracy belongs to we the people, NOT corporations or billionaires. 

As always, keep fighting the good fight!

In solidarity, 

Alfonso, Jessica, Jason, Tara, Cole, Shelly, George, Daniel, Kelsey, Jennie, Keyan, Michael, Katie, Margaret & Greg

Move to Amend National Team

January 21, 2025 at 12:00am -
Your Local Congressional Office

Will you come?

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