How to Outreach to Organized Labor / Working People

Linda Gillison & Lawrence Abbott 
Move to Amend Labor Caucus Co-Convenors

Wednesday, January 29
1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET

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Organized labor has played a pivotal role in shaping workplace conditions and protecting the rights of millions of working people worldwide.

Historically, the labor movement is our strongest and longest-lived organized force in the U.S. against corporate rule.

Scores of economic and social justices  have been championed by individual workers and organized working people who are members of labor unions -- sometimes working alone and other times in coalition with other organizations representing those who have been historically oppressed. 

Not all working people are part of a labor union. And not all labor unions are the same in terms of their members having real power, working in solidarity with non-labor groups, their position on working on systemic issues, and their specific position on the We the People Amendment?

Our times call for acting in solidarity with individuals and groups working on problems that can't be ultimately be solved short of abolishing "corporate personhood" (corporate constitutional rights) and the corruption of massive money in political elections.

What are the best ways to reach out to working people? To labor organizations? To invite them to work on not just resisting single corporate harms toward workers, but on systemic changes like the We the People Amendment that would give working people more power?

Join us to find out!

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January 29, 2025 at 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Greg Coleridge ·

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