Greg Coleridge - National Move to Amend
Andre Walton - Executive Director, Our Wisconsin Revolution
George Penn - Wisconsin United to Amend
Monday, September 12 | 7pm Central Time || RSVP below
Big money spent in elections by wealthy individuals and corporate entities is “legalized bribery.” The result is that the voices of people (like us!) who don’t make political contributions or lobby elected officials are not being heard – our needs are not being met, and our communities are not being served. Meanwhile, the rich and major corporations benefit from this corrupt and unfair system by policies and programs providing massive funding, tax breaks, and reduced or eliminated regulations protecting people and communities. Making it increasingly difficult for We the People to act democratically are Supreme Court decisions that have created and expanded corporate constitutional rights (i.e. a corporation is NOT a “person” in the meaning of the U.S. Constitution).
Join us as we:
√ Summarize the problems of the corrupting influence of big money in politics and “corporate personhood” on our lives, communities, environment and democracy.
√ Hear from local group representatives about how their current work and future plans are impacted by “legalized bribery” and corporate rule
√ Discuss and strategize ways to work for real democracy in Wisconsin in the immediate and long term. This includes support for the We the People Amendment, sponsored by Move to Amend.