Election Season is in full swing!

As early elections begin across many states, the time to act is now! We’re just steps away from reaching our goal of 100 cosponsors for H.J.R. 54, the We the People Amendment, and we need your voice to make it happen. Currently, we have 87 cosponsors on board (87 + lead sponsor)—let’s rally together to reach our goal!


With early voting underway, this is the perfect opportunity to contact your representative’s office using our One Click Politics software. It’s quick and easy—just enter your phone number, zip code, and name, and you’ll be connected to your representative in no time. Your call can make a significant difference in urging them to co-sponsor the We the People Amendment.

As we head into the election season, let’s ensure our representatives hear our collective call for change. Every voice counts, and together, we can push for the reform our democracy urgently needs.

Engage with Candidates:

With elections heating up, take the initiative to check out the candidates for local, state, and federal office who have committed to the Pledge to Amend. The

Pledge states:
"I support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights, and that money is not speech, and campaign spending should be limited through regulation."

Our goal is to secure 1,000 Pledge to Amend signups—ideally, at least 50% of candidates elected on election day. This effort will help elevate the We the People Amendment as a central issue in the elections.

Support Our Mission:

Move to Amend operates 100% on grassroots support. Your contributions directly enable our work toward meaningful change. Consider making a donation to support our mission.

The need for change is urgent, and your involvement can be a game-changer. Thank you for your commitment and support!


With love and determination,

Alfonso, Jennie, Tara, Shelly, George, Daniel, Margaret, Michael, Jessica, Katie, Keyan, Greg, Cole, & Jason 

{{broadcaster.name}} National Team

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