William McQuain

How I've supported Move to Amend

  • wants to volunteer 2021-01-16 08:25:20 -0800

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    Move to Amend is a national, grassroots coalition comprised of hundreds of thousands of people committed to ending corporate rule and building a vibrant democracy that represents all people, not just corporate interests. Our volunteers work in their local communities to raise awareness about our movement to amend the Constitution, educate candidates and elected officials, and build support for the We the People Amendment!

    After signing up, we'll follow up by phone and email to provide you with details about how to get involved, help you find if there is a local Move to Amend group near you, and if not, talk with you about how to get one started!

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William McQuain

William McQuain

Support Move to Amend:
Volunteer Sign the Motion to Amend