Toward a People's Constitution Project Launches Today!

On this anniversary of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, we are VERY excited to announce that Toward a People's Constitution is officially a campaign!


Check out today's op-ed in Salon.

As well as our sweet new website!

And join us later today (5:30PM PST/8:30 EST) for our website launch call -- where we will walk you through the new website, talk generally about the project, and answer any questions that you may have about it! LINK TO JOIN ZOOM CALL

Some of you joined us in October for our very first People's Movement Assembly, a two-day event where we heard from incredible speakers and experts and were given the space and permission to imagine together what a People's Constitution could look like. 

This is only the beginning. By signing up for this project, you'll be notified of future People's Movement Assemblies (which will continue virtually/nationally, with the long term goal of many local People's Movement Assemblies all over the U.S.) and other educational events as we continue to build and organize toward the systemic solutions that are at the scale necessary to deal with the converging social, economic and ecological crisis that are rapidly unfolding all around us.

The time to have this conversation is now.

And we would be honored if you joined us.

In Solidarity, 

Jessica, Keyan, Milly, Kaitlin, Shelly, Alfonso, Daniel, Jennie, Leila, Saleem, Jason, Tara, George, Joni, Greg

- Move to Amend National Team

P.S. Join us at 5:30PM PST/8:30PM EST for our website launch call -- all are invited! Link to join is HERE.

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