August Recess Lobby Training
Whether you're a seasoned activist or new to the movement, this training is designed to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively advocate for the passage of the We the People Amendment in Congress. RSVP BELOW!
Our mission to establish that corporations are not entitled to the same constitutional rights as human beings and that money is not equivalent to speech is more crucial now than ever!
During the August recess, members of Congress return to their home districts, providing us with a unique opportunity to engage with them directly and urge their support for the We the People Amendment. This training will empower you to become an effective lobbyist, enabling you to engage in impactful conversations with your representatives and their staff.
Join us on Thursday, July 20th at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET -- RSVP below!
This virtual training session will cover a range of topics, including:
Understanding the We the People Amendment: Learn about the amendment's goals, significance, and how it will help restore power to the people.
Effective Lobbying Techniques: Discover proven strategies and tactics for engaging with your representatives during the August recess and making your voice heard.
Communicating Your Message: Hone your advocacy skills and learn how to craft compelling messages that resonate with decision-makers.
Q&A Session: Get your questions answered by experienced activists and gain valuable insights from their lobbying experiences.
Your participation in this training is crucial to our collective success. Together, we can work towards securing a future where democracy is truly by and for the people.
We look forward to your presence at the August Recess Lobby Training. Let's join forces and make a lasting impact on the fight for REAL democracy!