Move to Amend’s primary goal has always been to end the influence of money in politics and corporate constitutional rights through a constitutional amendment based on the conviction that only change achieved through an amendment is lasting.
Yet, Move to Amend has never opposed strategic steppingstones. These are more immediately attainable proposals that expand democratic possibilities, especially those that directly reduce the power of corporate entities from hijacking the political process. Reforms, however, should always be put in context: that they are mere laws that can be legally reversed and can’t overturn the constitutional doctrines that a corporation is a person and political money equals free speech.
Many Move to Amend supporters have asked what they can do if they’ve already worked with others to pass a ballot initiative or municipal resolution, secured organizational endorsements, circulated the MTA petition and organized educational programs. While there’s ALWAYS more of most of these that can be achieved, statutes restraining corporations, particularly at the state level, offer several differing strategic opportunities by providing:
- More immediate, tangible opportunities to work in solidarity with other organizations promoting just and/or sustainable alternatives that could be more attainable in the short term.
- Opportunities to deepen or develop relationships with supportive state legislators. These legislators often become members of Congress.
- Provide Move to Amend supporters with additional educational, advocacy and organizing tools – including opportunities to attract new supporters, develop new leaders and attract more funding.
What follows are four proposed statutory reforms – meant to be proposed at the state level. Described for each are points or proposed text that can be used to develop state-specific draft proposals. The information comes from historical or existing statutes or court decisions (mostly at the state level) or have been proposed by democracy organizations.
- Corporate Three Strikes
- Charter Revocation/Quo Warranto
- Require Shareholder Vote Before Political Donations Can Be Made With Corporate Funds
- Prohibiting Foreign-influenced Corporations from Spending Money in Elections
Four Proposed Statutory Reforms in Summary (click on headings below to learn more)
A corporation that commits three or more major violations of the law loses its corporate charter or license or to transact intrastate business in your state.
The state will dissolve a corporate charter or license for violating the terms of its charter.
Political donations from a corporation can only be made following a majority vote of voting shares by corporate stockholders.
Bans companies with percentage of ownership stake by a single foreign owner or multiple foreign owners from making political contributions in state and local elections.
Getting Started
Every state has its own set of rules for considering and enacting bills.
Referencing the basic rules that guide the movement of bills through the legislative process will help you to understand why the bill has reached its current progress, and its likelihood of future success.
Here's what you'll need to do (Detailed guides and templates for each step linked below)
STEP 2 – Determine what reform to pursue
STEP 3 – Identify potential sponsors
STEP 4 – Schedule the Meeting
STEP 5 – Prepare for the Meeting
STEP 6 – Hold the Meeting
Make a clear ask: Will you sponsor/ co-sponsor the legislative reform?
STEP 7 – Follow up!
STEP 8 – Celebrate or Escalate!
Campaign Launch Webinar
Organizing the Campaign / Campaign Resources
***Click on each task for related templates and instructions.
STEP 2 -- Determine what reform to pursue
STEP 3 -- Identify potential state legislators to sponsor and/or cosponsor.
STEP 4 -- Schedule the Meeting
STEP 5 -- Prepare for the Meeting
STEP 6 -- Hold the Meeting
STEP 7 -- Follow up!
STEP 8 -- Celebrate or Escalate!
- Often this is all it takes, especially for state legislators who agree with our goals. But if you don't have a commitment yet it is time to escalate your tactics. We will work with you to determine how to escalate appropriately, from stepping up the phone calls, to organizing a letter-writing campaign, to car parades around their office, to delivering petitions to their home, and more!
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