To achieve this goal, we suggest starting with the closest Representative to you and recruiting constituents in that District to hold a meeting with their target Representative (or their legislative staff). Sign up below to get started!
Read the Dear Colleague Letter from Rep. Jayapal, Lead Sponsor for The We the People Amendment here.
Also, check out the Press Release: Jayapal Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Reverse Citizens.
If you do not know who your representative is, go to: Find Your Representative | house.gov
Here's what you'll need to do:
- Choose which Representative you're focusing on (see below for the target list, or if your Rep isn't on the campaign target list you can elect to lobby them instead)
- Recruit 3-5 constituents to join you for the meeting.
- Schedule the meeting (a Move to Amend national organizer will join you for this meeting)
- Organize a prep call to prepare.
- Hold the meeting and ask your Representative to co-sponsor.
- Follow up
- If they don't sign on, time to escalate your tactics! We will help you plan an appropriate action from bombarding their office with phone calls, to organizing a letter-writing campaign to dropping in at their house with Move to Amend petitions! We will work together to decide on any appropriate escalation.
We have provided you with all the tools and resources needed as well as organizing support. You will find the easy step-by-step instructions linked at the bottom of the page. Expect that this effort will take 2-5 hours a week.
Campaign Launch Webinar
Campaign Resources
***Click on each task for related templates and instructions.
STEP 2 -- Recruit 3-5 Constituents to Commit to Join a Meeting with the Representative
STEP 3 -- Schedule the Meeting
STEP 4 -- Prepare for the Meeting
STEP 5 -- Hold the Meeting
STEP 6 -- Follow up!
STEP 7 -- Celebrate or Escalate!
- Often this is all it takes, especially for Representatives who agree with our goals. But if you don't have a commitment yet it is time to escalate your tactics. We will work with you to determine how to escalate appropriately, from stepping up the phone calls, to organizing a letter-writing campaign, to car parades around their office, to delivering Move to Amend petitions to their home, and more!
Ready to Sign Up?
Become a volunteer