Volunteer Welcome Call

We are excited to invite you join the fight against the scariest monster of all - corporate personhood and influence over our democracy. 

Please mark your calendar for Monday, November 18 and join us at one of two scheduled virtual programs to hear more about the many upcoming opportunities to get involved and volunteer with Move to Amend. Both times will cover the same material and provide opportunities to answer questions.

The programs will be at 12pm PT / 3pm ET and 5:30 pm ET / 8:30pm ET


We need YOU to help clean out the skeletons in Congress's closet!

October in election years can be scary. At Move to Amend we want you to know we are focused on this election but more importantly we are focused on what comes next. Regardless of who’s elected this November 5 – President, Senators, Congresspersons, whoever – the power and influence of corporations and the super rich will remain due to the constitutional realities of corporate constitutional rights and money in elections defined as free speech. 

That's where Move to Amend comes in! More importantly, that's where you can make a difference. We have been very encouraged by folks who have signed up on our website to get more involved and we are excited to get our new volunteers plugged in as soon as possible.

After all, rooting out the dysfunction in our democracy is going to take all of us. Come help fight the good fight!

We hope you will join us at one of the two times on November 18th!


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