Community members are looking forward with great anticipation to the 3rd annual “Democracy Day” scheduled for Wednesday March 19, 2020 This public forum was created through city ordinance as a result of citizen initiative and calls for an annual public hearing sponsored by the Mayor and City Council. As stated in TMC Chapter 111:
“Beginning in the year following passage of this initiative, the Mayor and City Council shall designate one day in the month of March as "Democracy Day." On this day, the Mayor and City Council shall sponsor a Public Hearing in a public space within the City. The City shall publicize the Public Hearing on its website and through area media at least one month in advance of the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing will examine the impact of political contributions of corporations, unions, PACS and SuperPACS on the City, as well as other issues that arise from the Supreme Court's decisions to give corporations the rights of real persons. The Mayor and City Council Members may submit testimony at the public hearing. In addition, all citizens of Toledo shall be permitted to submit oral and written testimony.”
This year, citizens are preparing testimony on a wide range of topics related to undue corporate influence on a democratically run society. Anticipated topics include environmental protection, disinvestment in public schools, healthcare, for-profit prisons, labor issues, and much more.
All citizens are encouraged to attend and even testify at this event to be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 4 PM in Toledo City Council Chambers at One Government Center, Toledo. More information on how to participate can be obtained by contacting Tony Szilagye at [email protected] or (419) 376-3660.