Solicit Organizational Endorsements

When a prominent local, state or national organization states its support for Move to Amend and our effort to amend the Constitution, this can educate its own members and also attract press coverage.

In addition to working to pass resolutions in your community, your group should encourage organizations to endorse Move to Amend or to pass their own organizational resolutions. Organizations can also be asked to endorse a local campaign to pass a resolution at the community level.

Few things are more effective in building a large network of support than connecting with other already established groups or organizations. These groups have done the groundwork of building a following, so by linking in with their group, you gain access to a large number of already active people. And since corporate power is at the heart of so many issues, there are likely many groups interested in this topic.

Check out our current list of endorsing organizations. This list will give you good ideas for local groups to reach out to. Perhaps there is a chapter of a national endorsing organization in your town - this would be a great place to start. If the national organization has already endorsed the We the People Amendment, don't let that stop you from approaching their local branch. Ask if you can give a presentation at an upcoming meeting to let the group's members know how they can get involved in local MTA efforts. Also look for chapter-based organizations whose chapters have endorsed the We the People Amendment in other localities, even if the national organization is not yet on our list.

If You're Already Part of an Ally Group

If you are part of an existing organization that is interested in Move to Amend issues, you may wish to bring a group together within the organization to work on them as an Amendment Working Group. The best way to do this will depend on your organization's structure and primary focus.

One way to start is by educating people in your organization about the Citizens United v. FEC decision, Corporate Personhood and related issues, and by explaining how these are linked to your organization's primary focus. For example, if your organization is a labor union, you can discuss how corporate influence results in policies that favor management's interests over those of workers. If you are part of an environmental group, you can explain how Corporate Personhood limits our ability to enforce environmental regulations. If you belong to a faith-based organization, you can talk about how treating profit-driven corporations the same as human beings is a moral issue.

Once people in your organization understand why these issues are important and relevant to them, suggest forming a new committee, broadening the activities of existing bodies, or otherwise integrating Move to Amend issues into the work of your organization.

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