Move to Amend's advocates and affiliate groups raise local awareness about the nature of corporate rule and participatory democracy. Organizers connect the intersections between corporate rule and the issues most important to the community through petitioning and tabling public events, organizing public talks and forums, teach-ins, rallies, and presentations with community members and other groups to get their support.
Below are a list of educational presentations and resources provided by our grassroots leaders to help educate, agitate, and empower their communities to take action:
Timeline of Personhood Rights & Powers
Congressional Legislative Staff Briefing
This presentation was developed for the Legislative Staff briefing on December 14, 2021
➤➤ MTA Legislative Briefing - PowerPoint (.ppt)
Move to Amend Climate Workshop Presentation
This was a presentation developed for the 2017 People's Climate March to tie the links between corporate constitutional rights to Environmental deregulation and climate change, highlighting the need to eliminate corporate constitutional rights if we wish to protect our environment. This resources was produced by Jan Rein and Kimmy Boyle of Sacramento Area Move to Amend.
➤➤ MTA Climate Workshop - Google Doc
➤➤ MTA Climate Workshop - Word (.docx)
Women's Rights vs. Corporate Rights Presentation
This is an outline for a presentation given by Sacramento Area Move to Amend to a women's "huddle" group that was created after the 2017 Women's March. The presentation briefly explains the history of corporate constitutional rights and the Supreme Court cases that have lead to inherent and inalienable rights for artificial entities, with a specific emphasis on women's rights vs corporate rights. It also provides a brief look into Move to Amend's work and offers suggestions for how individuals and organizations can partner with us and support the We The People Amendment.
This group was located in Fair Oaks, CA, so some of the information may need to be adjusted to fit your locality or state.
Move to Amend Introductory Presentation
A PowerPoint introduction to Move to Amend presentation submitted by Robert Pethoud of the Fresno Move to Amend Affiliate.
Questions: contact Robert at [email protected]
Constitution Day Presentation
Each year, educational institutions which receive federal funding must provide programming on the US Constitution around September 17th, Constitution Day. This provides Move to Amend an opportunity to make connections with educators, administrators, and students, and talk about the process of amending the Constitution as a way to make change. We encourage Move to Amend supporters and affiliates to reach out to the schools in your community, and offer to provide materials or present to their classrooms!
If you have any questions, contact Jessica Munger at [email protected] or by phone at 916-318-8040.
➤➤ Constitution Day Resources
League of Women Voters Presentation
This presentation was prepared for Move to Amend volunteers to use when doing presentations for the League of Women Voters as they are studying the impact of money in politics in order to determine whether to take a position on a Constitutional amendment.
This presentation is also great for other groups as well. The attachments include the powerpoint slides as well as presenter's notes.
It was prepared by Move to Amend Spring 2015 interns Naomi Peña and Geoff Blackwell with input and help from our Saint Paul, MN affiliate as well.
➤➤ MTA League of Women Voters Presentation - PowerPoint (.ppt)
➤➤ MTA League of Women Voters Presentation (Slide Notes) - PDF
Rights & Privileges Timeline Exercise
This interactive presentation was prepared by Ashley Sanders of Move to Amend Salt Lake City & Move to Amend's National Leadership Team to make the connection between personhood, law, rights and privileges and to help people understand why Move to Amend’s fight must include a commitment to dismantle racism in order to be fully effective.
➤➤ Rights and Privileges Timeline Exercise - Instructions & Materials
Unitarian Universalist Presentation
A presentation prepared by Dr. John Goodman of the California Clean Money Campaign and Los Angeles Move to Amend for a local Unitarian Universalist group in March 2012.
Intro to Corporate Personhood
What Corporate Personhood is, what the implications are, and a quick overview of the cases that shaped this legal doctrine. Citizens United is only the most recent chapter of this sordid story...
- MTA Coalition (quick refresher)
- Corporate Personhood Presentation
- Take Action
- Website Announcements
- Next Steps