TRAINING: Promoting Laws to Reduce Corporate Power and Increase Democracy


Move to Amend’s primary goal has always been to end the influence of money in politics and corporate constitutional rights through a constitutional amendment based on the conviction that only change achieved through an amendment is lasting.

Yet, Move to Amend has never opposed strategic legal steppingstones. These are more immediately attainable proposed laws that expand democratic possibilities, especially those that directly reduce the power of corporate entities from hijacking the political process. Reforms, however, should always be put in context: that they are mere laws that can be legally reversed and can’t overturn the constitutional doctrines that a corporation is a person and political money equals free speech.

Many Move to Amend supporters have asked what they can do if they’ve already worked with others to pass a ballot initiative or municipal resolution, secured organizational endorsements, circulated the MTA petition and organized educational programs. While there’s ALWAYS more of these that can be achieved, statutes (laws) restraining corporations, particularly at the state level, offer several differing strategic opportunities.

The 90-minute training will be on Zoom Wednesday, October 11 at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET
RSVP now to save your spot!


  • Why promote statutory/legal anti-corporate/pro-democratic reforms?
  • Description/rationale for 4 proposed state-level reforms 
    • Corporate Three Strikes 
    • Charter Revocation/Quo Warranto
    • Require Shareholder Vote Before Political Donations Made with Corporate Funds
    • Prohibiting foreign-influenced corporations from spending money in elections
  • The basics of lobbying at the state level
  • Sharing of available resources – and how we can help
  • Questions and discussion
October 11, 2023 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Greg Coleridge · · 2162552184

Will you come?

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