Labor "Rap" for Outreach to Organized Labor

Note: Be sure to read Move to Amend’s “Introduction to Organized Labor” before making your calls. Keep in mind this is a process. You’re building relationships, not just scheduling a meeting. Patience, persistence and respect are key virtues!

It’s a good idea to get to know the secretary at the union hall. They can be very helpful getting your messages to busy union officials and setting up appointments.

Ultimately, we want an opportunity to address the local union membership at one of their monthly meetings, something particularly important if you’re circulating a petition for a local resolution and seeking endorsement for Move to Amend and your local campaign. Your initial phone calls will begin the process, which usually entails getting to know the local president and/or Executive Board (E Board) members.

If you know somebody at the local, ask for them, otherwise, the script below is good for a “cold call.”

Hello, this is ________ and I’m calling from the (city) Move to Amend affiliate. We’re part of a national, grassroots campaign to end corporate control and get big money out of elections and we’d like to meet with Local ___ to explain what we’re doing in (city).

  • If you can meet with the local president or E. Board right off the bat, that’s great. In bigger locals, this may be difficult, so you might start with some other local officer or a political action committee member.
  • When you get a meeting scheduled, be prepared and be on time! Time is always at a premium with union officials, especially if it’s at an E. Board or membership meeting. Agendas are usually full.
  • Prepare a 10 minute presentation and a 5 minute presentation. You’ll need the shorter one more often, at least until the Move to Amend message starts to get some traction. You’ll leave a highly favorable impression if you can truthfully say you can say your piece in 5 minutes and actually deliver. Union officials and members are too often exposed to politicians who don’t know when to shut up.
  • Leave some brochures, or our handout for organized labor, or a news article, etc.
  • Be sure and confirm any subsequent meeting. 


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