John Marty

How I've supported Move to Amend

  • answered 2020-07-06 10:25:35 -0700
    Q: How will you use your public office to end corporate constitutional rights and big money in politics?
    A: I am proud to be the author of SF 2038, the Move to Amend legislation in Minnesota, memorializing Congress to clarify that the rights protected under the constitution are the rights of people, not corporations, and that money is not free speech. No person should have more clout in the political process because of their wealth. I will continue pushing this legislation and will work to strengthen Minnesota’s clean campaign reforms.

    November 3rd is supposed to be an election, not an auction. We must reverse Citizens’ United and all the laws and court rulings that put money & corporate power over people and the public will.

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    The We the People Amendment has been introduced in the House of Representatives as HJR 48. We will contact you if there is corresponding legislation relevant to your office, or to help you introduce legislation or resolutions if they have not been already introduced.

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John Marty

John Marty

MN Senator, author of the Minnesota Health Plan and bold, ethical leader
Follow on Twitter: @JohnMarty
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