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Check here for all the local news about corporate rule, Move to Amend press coverage, and announcements from our grassroots leaders in Illinois!


The leadership summit was great. I learned a lot and came back with new enthusiasm. We need to get the corporations out of our faces, our government, and our lives. We the people are the deciders. 

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June Barnstorming Tour in Chicago with Greg Coleridge

Move to Amend is barnstorming through the Chicago area! Catch a talk in your area, and learn how you can get involved in the campaign to end corporate personhood and demand real democracy!

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Winter Barnstorming Tour through Northern Illinois and Iowa with Greg Coleridge

Move to Amend is barnstorming through Northern Illinois and Iowa, and we're coming to a town near you! Catch a talk in your area, and learn how you can get involved in the campaign to end corporate personhood and demand real democracy!

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Southern Illinois Move to Amend Coordinator, Dr. Pamella Gronemeyer, Receives Outstanding Working Women of Illinois Award

Dr. Pamella Gronemeyer receives Outstanding Working Women of Illinois Award

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'We Will Only Get Louder': Dozens of Communities Vote to Boot Big Money from Politics

November 6, 2014
Deirdre Fulton

Huge margins back up claim that 'nearly all Americans share the sentiment that corporations should not have the same rights as people'

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We the People, Not We the Corporations: Move to Amend Forum at DuPage UU Church, March 24

The controversial Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United vs. the Federal Elections Commission case has spawned a massive grassroots movement, Move to Amend, www.MoveToAmend.org, calling for an end to corporate personhood.

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