Employer Matching Funds

If your employer has a matching fund that will match your donations to a qualified nonprofit organization, then you may be able to magnify your contributions to the movement to amend! Ask an administrator at your company if they have a matching fund, and if so, how to utilize it.

Generally, you will need to supply information about us to the matching fund program, and then they will determine if we meet the qualifications for the program.

Ordinarily, only 501(c)3 organizations can qualify. Although Move to Amend is not a 501(c)3, we do have a partner organization that is. The Move to Amend Education Fund is administered by Democracy Unlimited, a 501(c)3, and it works very closely with Move to Amend. More information about how the two organizations work together can be found at https://movetoamend.org/tax_deduction_note

The Move to Amend Education Fund often qualifies for employer matching funds, so we encourage you to submit it to your company's program.

Typically, the program will ask for some or all of the following information about the nonprofit organization:

Name of 501(c)3 Organization:
Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County

Federal Tax Identification Number:

Mailing Address:
Move to Amend
P.O. Box 188617
Sacramento, California 95818

Phone Number:

Email Address:
[email protected]


Name of Project / Doing Business As / Purpose of Donation:
The Move to Amend Education Fund

If you have questions or need additional information, please email [email protected] or call 916-318-8040.

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